ISLAMIC REVOLUTION OF IRAN AND INQUILAB MARCH OF PAKISTAN. Both the leftists and secularists in Iran decided to join the forces of Shiite revolution in the hope that Khomeini, after the Shah was ousted would content himself to a figurehead position of a spiritual guide and ultimately the reins of the government would be in their hands. After Khomeini succeeded in getting rid of loyalists to shah, he turned his attention to deal a final blow to both leftists and secularists, the last obstacle in his way to establish himself as the supreme spiritual authority with veto power over legislature, executive decrees, appointment of high state officials and interpretation of constitution. A number of leftists and secularists had to flee the country, others were tried in the courts and were either imprisoned or executed. Thus Iranian revolution that began with the slogan of emancipating the oppressed people of Iran from the cruel clutches of monarchy culminated into the establishment of Shiite theocracy depriving women of their fundamental rights, imprisoning them behind veil and forbidding them to freely mix with men. Secularists and liberals in Pakistan have rallied behind the Azadi March of Imran Khan who seems to be willing in turn to accept the spiritual guidance of Inquilab March under Dr Tahir ul Qadri in the hope that once they succeed in toppling the Nawaz Sharif Government, their common enemy, Dr Tahir ul Qadri will content himself to the role of a spiritual guide only and permanently settle at his Model Town seminary, Barelvi Sunni Vatican of Pakistani brand of Islamic revolution. Once Dr Tahir ul Qadri manages to remove Nawaz Sharif from power, his next step will be to deal with secularists and liberals rallying behind Imran Khan, for a state carved out under the dictates of an Islamic revolution, there is no place for women to freely mix up with men and they can not come out of their homes unless properly covered by a veil and formally permitted by their male relatives. There will be no room for women singing and dancing in the Pandaal with tattoos on their cheeks. After Imran Khan is got rid of, it will be easy to deal a final blow to leftists also who in their hatred of capitalism are supporting the cause of Inquilab March under Tahir ul Qadri for the time being, Unlike Khomeini, Dr Tahir ul Qadri in his Pakistani brand of Islamic Inquilab however will have to face gigantic forces of Deobandi and Wahabi Islam also who not only constitute a large segment of the population but are also well trained, armed and experienced in militant Islam and its ideology of Jihad. Forces that support the cause of parliament can also be a sizable hurdle in his way to bring about an Islamic revolution in Pakistan following the Iranian model. Up till now, the situation seems to be well managed and is under control of the handlers of Azadi and Inquilab March. But once it goes out of the control. it may become dangerous and turn into chaos and anarchy. I feel obliged once again to remind our prime minister that the only option available with him is to continue to resist the pressure until an intervention is made or the pressure itself subsides. In order to save his head from rolling, he will have to show steadfastness in his decision not to resign. In case handlers decide to intervene, he will be left with both the face and logic to resort to masses arguing that great injustice has been done to him and he has been unjustly deprived of the mandate given by the them at a time when he had hardly completed one year in the government.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:29:48 +0000

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