ISLAMIC SCHOLARS SHOULD ISSUE A FATWA [RELIGIOUS OPINION] SAYING THE EXECUTIONS IN EGYPT ARE UNLAWFUL Didem Ürer: There was a hashtag you started on Twitter, about Egypt. “Put an end to executions in Egypt.” Can our brothers support this? Adnan Oktar: My brother, if you are going to imprison them, then do that. But how can people be executed? Abandon that madness. And do not keep the people you imprison under barbaric conditions. Keep them under humane conditions. But we will never accept their being hanged. We do not want barbarity. My brothers must support it. Let us bring it up all the time. Because if these people get used to hanging people they will hang 10,000 or 100,000. They are crazed. This is totally wrong. They must come to their senses. Isn’t that right? You must return to democracy. There is no place for savagery. ------------ Didem Ürer: The Egyptian Foreign Minister has issued a statement about the death sentence handed down to 529 people. They say it is not the final ruling. “I believe that this ruling is severe and wired-ranging. But I do not believe it is final. When the final ruling is issued, there will be the right to appeal. The president who will be elected can also issue pardons,” he said. However, Human Rights Watch officials monitoring the situation say it will insist on the rulings. Adnan Oktar: The world reaction is very important. Scholars must issue a fatwa. Some of them are being stubborn. They are spouting forth about other issues. This is a terribly important matter, five or 10 teachers must come together and issue a fatwa saying that it is unlawful for Muslim blood to be shed. They must issue a fatwa saying this is wrong and should not go ahead. They will be unable to overturn the fatwa, and that will put an end to it. Otherwise, we can say what we like, they will still execute them. They have killed many people and martyred many Muslims to date . -------------- Scholars and teachers in Egypt are issuing a fatwa [religious opinion] in favor of execution. Ignorant orthodox teachers support the stronger party. Some are sycophants. They act as scholars for whoever is powerful. They flock to them like birds. They say that executions are necessary, legitimate and compatible with the Qur’an. Others say that executions are in line with the law. So they will not listen to us. A fatwa needs to be issued saying that the executions are unlawful. There needs to be a counter-fatwa. Many teachers in the Islamic world are asleep. In a deep sleep. Authorized scholars must issue a fatwa saying they are unlawful. The Turkish Religious Affairs Department must issue a fatwa. Its scholars must issue a fatwa. They must present that fatwa to Egypt. Otherwise, they will hang those people, I can tell you that. They will not listen to protests. Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktars Live Conversation on A9TV dated April 06-08-09th, 2014
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 08:44:58 +0000

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