ISON CLOSER THAN EVER, BUT EXPERTS SAY THEY STILL CANT EXPLAIN WHAT ITS DOING AND WHY IT DOESNT CONFORM TO STANDARD MODELS OF COMETARY PHYSICS/MECHANICS! Now why does that sound familiar...... AGAIN? ;-/ ******************************************************** https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=534165250010955&id=249833015110848 ******************************************************** huffingtonpost/2013/11/01/comet-ison-photo-space-rock-sun_n_4192057.html Comet ISON PHOTO Shows Downright Weird Space Rock En Route To Sun Space | By Joe Rao Posted: 11/01/2013 12:49 pm EDT The highly regarded comet observer John Bortle is just as perplexed by the comets recent appearance, commenting that the recent images along with his own visual impression, is downright weird. He adds that, There is a bright, miniature, long-tailed comet situated within a much larger, but very much fainter and diffuse halo of a coma. Those visual people using larger telescope also often remark about the odd way the comet looks, while those using relatively small scopes and big binoculars report seeing a larger, more-or-less faint but uniform cometary mass, he added. This comet is currently at a distance from the sun where it should no longer exhibit such a dichotomy of appearance.” Bortle has observed several hundred comets and yet, he writes, At this stage of the game, with the comet about to cross the orbit of Earth, I cannot recall any previous comet in my 50-plus years of comet observing looking quite like this. So, what does ISONs current look foretell, or mean? I honestly dont know. All I can say is I dont like the odd look of it at this time. But just four days later, with the comet showing signs of fading a bit rather than brightening, Gary, sounding almost a bit exasperated commented, I dont know whats going on with this comet! Analyzing all the observations made since Sept. 4 shows that ISON is responding to the sun more like a solid body would respond, rather than as a typical fluffy comet. =================================== So the skeptics continue laughing at the alternative theory that explained long ago ISON ISNT a COMET, and deny theres any evidence its not a comet, while at the same time ignore EXPERTS claiming its not behaving like anything they know a NORMAL COMET should act like! Once youve researched all the EVIDENCE and CURRENT DATA, how can Skeptics using logic, reason and HEALTHY SKEPTICISM, claim the official narrative is IRREFUTABLE when not only are EXPERTS unable to CONFIRM 100% its a real comet when THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO, but just THEIR OWN DATA and IMAGES alone, are REFUTING it? LOL Why do the skeptics keep ignoring what the experts are saying and repeatedly refuse to address the evidence and data that DOESNT MAKE SENSE or fit their argument? How many times through the centuries has science had to REWRITE their books and laws or understanding of reality, our world and universe, as NEW DATA or unexpected discoveries come to light? So Ill say it again... until SCIENCE can EXPLAIN the BIG PROBLEMS and CONTRADICTIONS to their OWN MODELS that ISON isnt conforming to, how can skeptics claim the alternative narrative is impossible when I doubt most of them even know the details and full context of whats been explained? lol As they say... the more science learns, the more it learns how little it knows.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 10:28:46 +0000

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