ISRAEL Fears If Malaysia Airline Hijacked: Iran Suspect MY DEAR - TopicsExpress


ISRAEL Fears If Malaysia Airline Hijacked: Iran Suspect MY DEAR FRIENDS: Please allow me a personal digression: Within hours of hearing that the Malaysian Airline 777 was lost I shared that I hoped that the NUCLEAR Iran was not behind a hijacking, and that ISRAEL would be the ultimate target. Today, after over 10 days of missteps, everyone is reporting that the investigation is now criminal, and the NUCLEAR Iran has been more then referenced. Malaysia is 3700 miles from Iran, and the plane could have reached there in 5 hours. ISRAEL is taking measures if, like 911, suicide-homicide murderers have ISRAEL as their target. This is happening as the impotent US Pres SON-OF-ISLAM obama is easing up on the NUCLEAR Iran as he praised abu-mazen abbas at the White House yesterday for being for peace. This sitting US Pres is so continually off-the-mark, that one can only hope that the grave damage he has done to the US and its reputation will be reversed. His latest egrigeous move: Sending the inept foot-in-mouther joe Biden to Poland to deal with the Russia-Crimea crises........ I TOLD YOU AM YISROEL CHAI STOP CARVING ISRAEL UP AND NO MORE PRISONER RELEASES SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT THE TINY YET POWERFUL ISRAEL MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE, IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD Their state=TransJordan NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PEARLs muslim MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:19:33 +0000

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