ISRAEL STANDS TO BENEFIT FROM PARIS TERROR ATTACK - TARGET PALESTINE - By Dave Black The definition of the Perfect Crime? Commit the crime (whatever the crime is) - and get someone else to take the blame for it!!! *** Were receiving word that the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service is behind this so-called terror attack. Why? 1. Recently several European nations (Sweden, Spain, etc) recognized Palestinian Statehood. 2. On 30.12.2014, the Palestinian Authority sought recognition of Statehood at the UN Security Council - which was blocked by the US-UK & allies (including Australia) 3. The Palestinian people then announced they seek to become a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to seek justice for the recent Israeli ethnic cleansing on Palestinians in Gaza, which killed 2,000+ defenceless men, women and children. 4. The *current* Israeli PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu threatened the Palestinian Authority with Israel will take ALL measures necessary to stop the Palestinians becoming a member of the ICC. Israeli secret agents have attacked the French magazine (which had a history of stirring the pot) in a PRE-EMPTIVE strike to turn the vast majority of Frenchmen (and people around The World) AGAINST Arab/Muslim people. This is to:- 1. PREVENT the Palestinians being RECOGNIZED as a country by other nations 2. PREVENT Palestine being granted statehood by the UN General Assembly 3. to ALLOW the Zionist / Jews (not all Jews are Zionists & not all Zionists are Jews) to continue their COLONIAL EXPANSION of the West Bank and on to the River Euphrates in Syria / Iraq (in the east) & the River Nile, in Egypt (to the west) 4. reclaim the Biblical Kingdom of Israel called Eretz-Israel - see Gen. 15, Ex. 23, Num. 34 & Ezekiel 47. FINALLY, just so you know, 1. The Jewish claim to the Province of Judaea was EXTINGUISHED in the 1st Roman-Jewish War in 70AD (3 yrs before the Masada siege) 2. In the 1948 partition of British-mandated Palestine the Jews were a 1/3 minority and the Arab/Muslim people were a 2/3 majority 3. The UN resolution for the creation of the State of Israel was voted down buy a 2/3 majority of the UN General Assembly. 4. and yet the UK Government proceeded with it anyways. Btw this also explains WHY the US-UK & allies are *currently* bombing Syria & Iraq (using the pretext of defeating Islamic State/ISIL/ISIS/Daesh) to weaken these countries so the Israeli defence Force (IDF) can then enter AND OCCUPY these territories with little or no resistance.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:00:45 +0000

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