ISRAEL Teens Yearn To Enlist MY DEAR FRIENDS: Recently I - TopicsExpress


ISRAEL Teens Yearn To Enlist MY DEAR FRIENDS: Recently I shared that ISRAEL is a nation where IDEALISM is real and more then a mere memory. 92% of males 15-18 intend to enlist in the ISRAEL military. Over 90% of ISRAELIS support a strong miltary, and render enormous respect for their soldiers, female and male. The nation is, has been, and always will be on a 24 hour High Alert until ANTI SEMITISM and ANTI ISRAEL hatred is eradicated. And, that my friends, will not happen until moshyach comes. Today, with SON-OF-ISLAM obama in the White House and the NUCLEAR Iran closing in on a NUCLEAR bomb, and ANTI SEMITIC violent acts escalating in the US and worldwide, ISRAELIS realize and accept that their second-to-none IDF-ISRAEL Defense Forces (military) must prevail in a world of enemies and former ALLIES. It is this self-respect, prioritizing and achievement as well as the JEWISH peoples uncanny ability to persist that drives self-loathers like soros, noam chomsky, beinhart, J Street, the New Israel Fund, the Boycotting BDSers, haaretz, peace now, this sitting US Pres and his Court JEWs, muslims and a plethora of others, to despair and up the wall. No other nation on the planet today has the pride that ISRAEL exudes. I TOLD YOU!! AM YISROEL CHAI STOP CARVING ISRAEL UP AND NO MORE PRISONER RELEASES SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT THE TINY YET POWERFUL ISRAEL MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE, IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD. Their state=TransJordan NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PEARLs muslim MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET Send to a Friend | Print | Young and Zionist: Israeli teens want to enlist in IDF Some 76% plan to enlist and 70% self-identify as Zionists, according to poll of Israeli teens • Some 85% are unwilling to give up parts of Jerusalem, even in exchange for real peace with the Palestinians. Yori Yalon Three-quarters of Israeli teens intend to enlist in the IDF [Illustrative] |Photo credit: Meir Partush A large majority of Hebrew-speaking Israeli Jews ages 15-18 intend to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces, a Midgam Research Institute poll found. The online poll, which surveyed a representative sample of 501 young Israelis, found that 76 percent intend to enlist. Broken down by gender, 92% of males and 60% of females said they intend to join the IDF. Only 10% of all respondents said they do not plan to serve in the IDF. The results of the poll were presented in conjunction with the opening of the Zionist Youth Congress in Gush Etzion, an initiative of the Zionist Council in Israel and the World Zionist Organization. Some 70% of respondents self-identified as Zionists. An overwhelming majority of respondents -- 85% -- said they were unwilling to give up parts of Jerusalem, even in exchange for real peace with the Palestinians.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 21:21:00 +0000

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