ISRAEL, The division in the rightist coalition attack makes the - TopicsExpress


ISRAEL, The division in the rightist coalition attack makes the decision By La Recontra Oferta Newspaper LRON at San Jose, CA US 19:45PM 07.08.2014 The attack on Gaza in early Tuesday was preceded by a long pulse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus conservative, with the most right-wing elements of the Executive. On Sunday, it was learned that the dispute remained head of government with his foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, in full Cabinet meeting in Israel. The minister, who lives in a settlement in the occupied West Bank, is the second chorus leader of the Israeli right in government after his colleague Economy Naftali Bennet. On Monday staged Lieberman more noise than disagreement with the policy of containment military towards Gaza announced by Netanyahu on Thursday: his party, Our Home Israel (Israel Beiteinu), separated Likud Netanyahu without breaking the coalition government. Argued its decision on the treatment discrepancies Hamas in Gaza, against which he called tougher hand. Hours after the divorce, the Israeli security cabinet decided to move from containment to the current attacks. The prime minister defended contention until last Thursday The leftist political scientist and former deputy of the Knesset Naomi Chazan believes that internal squabbles exerted considerable pressure on Netanyahu, but judges that if the attack ordered by electoral calculation, that was a stupid calculation. Experience dictates that such an attack know how it starts, but never how it ends. Political risks are considerable and, as Chazan insists, will not reverse divorce in the right. The balance in the government coalition is fragile and Netanyahu is a master of political survival, but Chazan believes that, in this case, as was held regarding moderation Gaza. I did not want an escalation as it seems in full swing, because a final victory against the structure of Hamas is impossible. This appears offensive in Gaza, as well as another step in the perpetual dancing Middle East: truce, heating, climbing, destruction and back again. War has its own system of forces, as the complex Israeli domestic politics have yours. This rather surprising, therefore, that two major political show their differences while still sharing a table in the Council of Ministers and escalation with Hamas breaks. Chazan believes in this context that in the coming months there will be early elections or at least a shift of the coalition government with other partners. Political scientist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Abraham Diskin, the current conflict, which imposed a hardline Hamas was not Lieberman. Since Israels weakness Islamists, almost isolated from the coup that ousted a year ago in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood allies perceived. But Diskin, who puts himself in the center of the political spectrum, insists his country is surrounded by enemies who have proposed their destruction. He says that Hamas is perfectly in time to stop the spiral of violence, simply stopping the rocket attacks. With a widespread fatalism in Israel, Diskin said that the area is a volcano that erupts periodically and reheated before dozing in another apparent calm. From that perspective, internal quarrels between Netanyahu and Lieberman have nothing to do with the attack on Gaza. He says he is convinced that not even the largest territorial or political sacrifice of Israel would serve to bring peace. The analyst believes, unlike the former deputy Chazan, that early elections are not close. Various analyzes agree that Lieberman had failed in his attempt to wrest leadership Netanyahu right through the alliance between their parties, broken Monday. He benefited less than estimated. After the divorce, you can now try to emerge as the hawk that forced the attack on Gaza. Diskin believes, however, that the only thing you remember this new Israeli military campaign will have the result, no discussions between Lieberman and Netanyahu earlier. A military failure or excessive climbing, considered detrimental to all involved in this coalition government.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:55:33 +0000

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