ISSUES WE NEED TO THINK ABOUT. 1. When we speak about INFLUX what - TopicsExpress


ISSUES WE NEED TO THINK ABOUT. 1. When we speak about INFLUX what exactly is it we fear? Is it entry of outsiders into Meghalaya or outsiders entering and not leaving and then taking root in the state? These are two different issues that demand two different solutions. Why should we be scared of people entering and then leaving the state? Outsiders enter from Jorabad and exit from Latachara. How do these pose a threat? Or visitors and tourist enter, stay for a few days and then leave. Why should we be afraid of them? Why should we demand a control mechanism for such people? But there are people who enter Meghalaya with the intention to settle in the state and become legal residents of the state. It is these people that we need to be afraid of and we need to come up with a control mechanism against such people. The ILP is not the answer to such a threat. On the other hand it will only serve to protect such people. The issue I am trying to flag is that we first of all need to identify the nature/ category/ type of outsider entry into Meghalaya that we need to control. Once we have done this we can then proceed with identification of the control mechanism. Sadly we have not done this but have already come up with a demand for an ILP. Its like putting the cart before the horse. 2. What is the ILP? The ILP is a control mechanism designed by the British to isolate the tribals of the NE from mainland India influence. It was devised primarily to prevent Indian Nationalistic ideas after 1857 from taking root in the region. It has nothing to do with British love for us. It is a 19th century control mechanism designed for a different purpose for a different age. Why are we asking of the same in the 21st century when our needs and requirements have changed and will continue to change in the future. We need to be futuristic and visionary with our demands otherwise our children will never forgive us. In the modern world we live in it is not only politics that will save us but the type of economic activity we promote for our people. Our survival will depend on our economic prosperity as well as our socio-political wellbeing. One cannot survive without the other. For our economy to grow ( irrespective of the sector or sectors suitable for us) we need investments. Investments form the Central Govt for the last 40 years has not done us much good . On the contrary it has only heightened our sense of dependence on Delhi. For the future we need to think on how to bring in investments on our own terms. The ILP will be the biggest drawback for such a paradigm. 3. When we ask for the ILP do we really know how it is suppose to work? Are its provisions adequate to protect us and our interests? Who will implement? Or do we once again place our entire future in the hands of Government servants who will sell us down the drain. This is a dangerous idea! There are those who think that the ILP will save the alienation of our lands. We have the land transfer act and the 6th Schedule to protect our lands. If despite this protection we have not been able to do so, I fail to see how another piece of legislation that will place our entire future in the hands of Govt officials will help us. 4. How do we know if it is working successfully in the NE states where it is being enforced? Why don”t we send a fact finding team of legislators, NGO leaders and opinion makers of Meghalaya to visit these places. They can come back with a true practical picture of what is happening. To day we are only asking for the ILP simply because it is suppose to be there in other states. We need to know if it works! 5. Why are we being presumptuous and arrogant in presuming that the Govt is the enemy of the people? Just because the Govt does not agree with the NGO demands does not mean that the NGOs are right and everyone else is wrong. Why can’t we engage with each other instead of confronting each other. After all everyone is protesting in the name of the people.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 06:50:05 +0000

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