IT’S OVER FOLKS. RINO JOHN BOHNER WON BY A LANSDIE. WE HAVE BEEN SKUNKED AGAIN. THE ONLY QUESTION LEFT IS HOW PISSED OFF ARE YOU? Well friends, you worked hard to give the GOP majorities in both houses of congress. You got out the vote and when it was all over they gave that drunkard crybaby rotten RINO John Boehner credit for it. That was a deliberate “in your face insult” to each and every one of you. But they did anyway to get John Boehner reelected as House Speaker over all your pleas for them not to do that. Screw your votes and screw you. They did what they wanted and NOT what you wanted – yet again. They are doing the same damn thing in the senate with the RINO Mitch McConnell who is on record as saying the American people want to be “governed from the center.” Is there a single person among you that wants to be governed from the center? Did you vote for a center-moderate congress? Well, did you? I sure as hell didn’t. Like me I suspect you voted for “conservative government”. We all voted against the Obama agenda and with the desire that Obama’s socialist/communist agenda and transformation of our republic be stopped at all costs. What will it take for us conservatives to learn that the GOP does NOT represent us? Do you understand that the top GOP leadership has been so bold as to publicly attack the conservative Tea Party and treat us as an enemy that must be put in our place or be destroyed? Do you get that? It’s hard to stomach but that is the gospel truth. So then, what do we do? Obviously the Democrat Party has morphed into a Socialist/Marxist Party and is worse then poison to our values and us. The GOP uses us as steeping stools for their own power grab and then throws us out as garbage to not just be ignored but also be rid of until they need us again. Here is a cold hard fact: “CONSERVATIVES DO NOT HAVE ANY POLITICAL REPRESENTATION IN WASHINGTON – NONE WHATSOEVER.” Sure, I know we have a few good ones like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Louis Gohmert, Trey Gowdy and a few others, but they have no power to represent our values, our desires, our conservative agenda, and us. That’s just the way it is and you are smoking dope if you think otherwise. Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow conservatives, we no longer have a choice. While we do have a strong conservative Tea Party movement we do NOT have a political party to represent our values. The Libertarian Party represents libertarian values NOT conservative values. We need a conservative party. Just as the Democratic Party morphed in to a Marxist Party the Tea Party needs to morph from a movement in to a Conservative Party. Just so nobody confuses the conservative Tea Parity movement with a political party lets call ourselves what we actually are Conservatives. Let’s name our party: The “Patriotic Conservative Party (PCP).” This will take time to pull together. No one person can do this. It will take a grand and massive grassroots effort but our motivation is to give ourselves what we want for a change. We deserve our own party and if we haven’t yet figured out the GOP is in no way our party, then shame on us. I am starting a new group on Facebook that will be a sister group to “The Facebook Tea Party” for this express purpose. It will be in this new PCP group that conservatives like you and I will coordinate and work together to do research and gather our ideas on how to precede with this project of building the PCP. There is a great deal that needs to be learned and researched to pull it off so this new group is a good place to start off the “Patriotic Conservative Party (PCP)” and pull it all together. Form this new PCP Facebook group we will, over the next few months, iron out the details and build a platform for the 2016 election at local, state, and national levels. Each and every one of you can be a party of this history making effort. Your involvement will be a great legacy for you to leave behind to your loved ones and generations yet to come. Eventually we’ll have to elect or appoint leadership but for the time being I’ll take the lead. Somebody has to. If you are with me on this please like and share this post and then join the “Patriotic Conservative Party (PCP) Facebook page at the link below. Please invite any true conservative you know to join. Sorry, no libertarian (unless you are a conservative with libertarian leanings). You libertarians already have your own party. This is a conservative party only I will also post this opening letter there for a while to serve as a background for new members. Well, are you with me? ED COET Founder & Chief Admin, The Facebook Tea Party & Founder & Chief Admin, The Patriotic Conservative Party (PCP) https://facebook/groups/597122000419945/
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:32:50 +0000

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