IT DID NOT START WITH US BUT WE ARE UNDER OBLIGATION TO END IT NOW!!! When would this vicious cycle end? Tooth for tooth will leave us toothless and an eye for an eye will leave us blind. Until we see the need to move from what has bee recorded and confirmed as being a cancerous cells that destroy the real foundation of Ghana as a nation, we will forever apply brakes on the wheels of our progress. Pouring of venomous invectives on our political leaders and showing outright respect to our presidents is a bomb waiting to explode in our face one day and destroying the what we have as nation. It didnt start with us but we are under obligation to end this growing monster. Some UP members showed disrespect to Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah and called him names. Elements of CPP retaliated by making Dr. K.A Busia miserable through name calling and outright insults. It was a payback time for the Osagyefo boys. All the previous heads of state had their fair share of ugly insults. Elements of UP that metamorphosed into PFP made Dr. Hilla Limann a miserable soul at the castle. The tradition continued and nobody seemed to have forgiven the other. Former President Rawlings came under barrages of insults for the 19 years that he was in charge of the affairs of state. In his case, the insults were of undiminished intensity until he left office. That prepared the grounds for some of the supporters of JJR and the NDC to increase the tempo of insults against J. A Kufour. The insults were nauseating and unforgettable but he was lucky to have bulldozed his way through them. Then came the era of Prof. JEA Mills. The acidic vituperations poured on him was so intense that eventually they took away his breath. Then entered John Dramani Mahama. His political opponents honed their skills and increased the intensity of the insults gargantually. He was greeted with additional arsenals - photoshoping of his image for political mischief. If he is lucky to survive the mountains of insults being poured on him, the next president from the opposition will definitely be met with insults that could shake the world like an intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). I doubt if any future president can survive this experience. Instead of coming out with innovative means of solving the nations problems, we have young and brainy youth of Ghana establishing insult manufacturing factories and engaging themselves in this nauseating business. So where do we stop? Should we continue to insult our presidents because we do not belong to his party? If the NPP refuse to ceasefire because they had similar experiences from the NDC, who would expect the NDC to stop if the shoe is on the other foot? Shame unto us for this immature behaviour. Our children are becoming better in the field of insults than us. We need to salvage our nation from the acidic tongues and venomous fangs of indelible insults that leave us with bitter hearts against one another. The time to build a new nation for our children and our childrens children is now. We diet start it but we are obliged to end it now.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 12:05:05 +0000

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