IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW MANY BATTLES U LOST…..IF U CAN HOLD ON, U WILL WIN THE BATTLE THAT MATTERS ABOVE ALL Abraham Lincoln failed so many times….his life history was a long list of failure…..failed in business, failed in a bid to become the speaker of his state legislature, ran for congress and failed….elected to congress but failed a reelection bid..passed over for the post of land officer…..failed when he tried to go for senate…he got less than 100 votes when he tried to go for the vice presidency… ..but he when it came to the most important battle of his life - when he went for the presidency…..he won What would have been the outcome of all these turbulent years of his life if Lincoln had concluded he was a failure and gave up? George Washington lost all the battles against the British forces as the Commander of the fledging army in the American civil war…but won only two, and one of these was the one that mattered the most… .the British drove Washington all the way from Long Island into Brooklyn, across the East River, and up to Manhattan Island…they drove him on and on but ultimately Washington won… the battle that mattered..all because he didn’t give up as he kept failing A few days later at Yorktown, General Cornwalls, the British general, surrendered to Washington and as he handed over the sword he said to him… “sir I salute u, not only are u a great leader of men, but an indomitable Christian gentleman who wont give up” Life is not fair ….failure and adversity are things that happen….but they should not define ur character… .no matter how many times u ave failed, no matter how long is ur list of failure…..there are still more battles to be fought and ur great battle is yet to be won and as long as u don’t give up u will surely triumph …there is a battle that u are destined to win..that is the battle that will release the great blessings destined for ur life….but to reach that battle u will need to go through several battle mant of which of u will lose….u need to build a life of passion to overcome the temptation to give up…. Life is too tough to get to the top without passion…u are going to fail, u are goin to be taken advantaged of, u are going to be disappointed by the people u trust, u will disappoint urself too… ..u will run out of critical resources that u most need, almost every day u are going to encounter a good, solid and logical reason why u should give up, and without passion u might….that is why passion is the prerequisite of peak performance U must develop a strong passion in wat u do..and a determination that whatever might happen, u are not goin to give up…no matter the defeat u face u will keep fightin to the end…u wil not stop till u win and wit that notin can stop u in life
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 09:43:13 +0000

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