IT IS A NO VICTOR, NO VANQUISHED: LET US ADVANCE During battle or struggle for power, temperature is bound to rise but after war-war, it is time for jaw-jaw. In the last few weeks, some of us have been sounding unlike our known personalities because of the situation at hand and some perceived levels of suspicions here and there but it is clearer now and truth have been laid bare in different forms and shapes. My dear contemporaries in the struggle to rescue our dear state from the hand of the present deception called governor; i plead that we on the side of AMG should endeavour to sheath our swords and embrace peace and reconciliation. Our Party PDP is so large and have capacity to accommodate all interest as deem fit. From the prism of Ogun West, I assure all and sundry that all our past errors were critically diagnosed shortly after the 2011 misadventure and that is one of the major reason we have been having almost flawless trajectory to the 2015 promised land; we are not resting on our oars BUT we plead for more understanding, love and support because WHERE JUSTICE, FAIRNESS AND EQUITY fails to reign, there are bound to be hatred, sadness and chaos. Our symbol and Candidate, Prince Gboyega Nasir Isiaka (GNI) is known to everybody as a peace lover, the bridge between the old and the young, a man free with all and relates with height of humility. An embodiment of intellect, brilliance and his capacity to govern in the 21st century is not in doubt. His doors and lines are wide open to all and I encourage us to explore this to our collective good. I also charge him too to knock all doors and keep on relating to everybody in the party from Central to East back to West. With GNI in Oke Mosan, I AM CONVINCED OGUN STATE IS BLESSED and our supports shall be the magic. To my brother and one of our leaders, Hon. Dimeji Bankole; whoever that says you cannot govern Ogun State must be hallucinating because you are brilliant and to have sit atop the hallow chamber of the lower chamber of the National Assembly is enough credential to have such capacity to govern a state like ours BUT in every battle or contest there must be space for only one person at a time. I tender my unreserved apology to you on my diatribes sent across to you through my co warlords; Rosanwo in particular during the banters. I plead with you to eschew do or die approach in this game in the interest of our party and the state we all love. Same goes to other gubernatorial aspirants. Indeed we are blessed in Ogun PDP. To our leaders, I always feel reluctant to sound like begging or pleading with them because I know them and their leadership capabilities have been displayed severally and the capacity to do more is still there that I know; they cannot just afford to disappoint me and other youth of Ogun State that look up to them for direction. So, I trust them to do the needful particularly now that we are at a critical time to move forward as A ONE BIG INDIVISIBLE FAMILY. My last note to everybody is that reconciliation, love, understanding should be the watchword and let us remember that we are writing our history in this journey to A Life More Abundant for the good people of Ogun State. ILERI OLUWA KO NI SE ALAISE…BELIEVE Photo: IT IS A NO VICTOR, NO VANQUISHED: LET US ADVANCE During battle or struggle for power, temperature is bound to rise but after war-war, it is time for jaw-jaw. In the last few weeks, some of us have been sounding unlike our known personalities because of the situation at hand and some perceived levels of suspicions here and there but it is clearer now and truth have been laid bare in different forms and shapes. My dear contemporaries in the struggle to rescue our dear state from the hand of the present deception called governor; i plead that we on the side of AMG should endeavour to sheath our swords and embrace peace and reconciliation. Our Party PDP is so large and have capacity to accommodate all interest as deem fit. From the prism of Ogun West, I assure all and sundry that all our past errors were critically diagnosed shortly after the 2011 misadventure and that is one of the major reason we have been having almost flawless trajectory to the 2015 promised land; we are not resting on our oars BUT we plead for more understanding, love and support because WHERE JUSTICE, FAIRNESS AND EQUITY fails to reign, there are bound to be hatred, sadness and chaos. Our symbol and Candidate, Prince Gboyega Nasir Isiaka (GNI) is known to everybody as a peace lover, the bridge between the old and the young, a man free with all and relates with height of humility. An embodiment of intellect, brilliance and his capacity to govern in the 21st century is not in doubt. His doors and lines are wide open to all and I encourage us to explore this to our collective good. I also charge him too to knock all doors and keep on relating to everybody in the party from Central to East back to West. With GNI in Oke Mosan, I AM CONVINCED OGUN STATE IS BLESSED and our supports shall be the magic. To my brother and one of our leaders, Hon. Dimeji Bankole; whoever that says you cannot govern Ogun State must be hallucinating because you are brilliant and to have sit atop the hallow chamber of the lower chamber of the National Assembly is enough credential to have such capacity to govern a state like ours BUT in every battle or contest there must be space for only one person at a time. I tender my unreserved apology to you on my diatribes sent across to you through my co warlords; Rosanwo in particular during the banters. I plead with you to eschew do or die approach in this game in the interest of our party and the state we all love. Same goes to other gubernatorial aspirants. Indeed we are blessed in Ogun PDP. To our leaders, I always feel reluctant to sound like begging or pleading with them because I know them and their leadership capabilities have been displayed severally and the capacity to do more is still there that I know; they cannot just afford to disappoint me and other youth of Ogun State that look up to them for direction. So, I trust them to do the needful particularly now that we are at a critical time to move forward as A ONE BIG INDIVISIBLE FAMILY. My last note to everybody is that reconciliation, love, understanding should be the watchword and let us remember that we are writing our history in this journey to A Life More Abundant for the good people of Ogun State. ILERI OLUWA KO NI SE ALAISE…BELIEVE
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 12:23:40 +0000

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