IT IS A SERIOUS MATTER FOR DR. ZAKIR NAIK. At El Wak Stadium - TopicsExpress


IT IS A SERIOUS MATTER FOR DR. ZAKIR NAIK. At El Wak Stadium Accra Ghana before a marmot crowd of Muslims, Apologist Dominic Amponsah and I were present to listen to Dr. Zakir Naiks lecture and ask questions. Brother Dominic asked his question from Quran 4:157 which says Jesus was not crucified but it was made to appear so. The question was, who made it appear so?, Who invented the lie that Jesus was crucified, Allah or Satan?. Dr. Naik admitted that it was Allah that made it appear so, in order to rescue Jesus from him enemies. He said it appeared so only to the enemies of Jesus and not to the disciples of Jesus. Dr. Naik then ran to the story of Jonah and started asking Amponsah questions about Jonah being was alive or dead in the belly of the fish. Amponsah answered, alive!, alive!!, alive!!, then Dr. decided to used that opportunity to give a long and unnecessary explanations to explain that Jesus was crucified but did not die on the cross. This was to divert the attention of the audience from the problem created by the question, who made it appear so?. When it was my turn, I asked Dr. Zakir Naik a question for Quran 2:106 which says some verses revealed by Allah have been abrogated and replaced with better ones. I also pointed out to him that the translators of the Quran identified Quran 2:109 as one of the abrogated verses. I then asked him to give me the list of all abrogated verses so that Muslims do not commit the sin of reciting abrogated verses in the mosque. His initial reply was that the abrogated verses are from the previous revelation and not from the Quran, so when I alerted him that the translators of the Quran have already identified at least one abrogated verse (Quran 2:109). His response was that those scholars who belief the abrogated verses refers to the Quran, are wrong. I argued that it was his opinion against their, he then challenged me to produce 2 verses in the Quran that contradicted each other. I sensed that he brought up this new issue in order to change the topic from the issue of abrogated verse, so I told him that as the lecturer of the day, his duty was to answer questions and not throw questions at me. Then he said that this is not a debate and that if I want a debate, I should organize one. Dr. Naik gave me three condition for the debate: 1. That the venue must be in Mumbai, 2. I would pay for the hall and publicity, 3. I will debate with one of his students not him and 4. The debate must hold within one week from today. I told him that all conditions are accepted except the condition of one week, as time would be needed for logistics. At this point the organisers of the programme came to me with some three policemen and ordered me to keep quiet and allow him alone to speak, so I kept my mouth shut. Dr. Naik then went ahead to insult me, calling me a mad man, a stupid man and that I speak from Satan. After insulting, he admitted that some abrogated verses are in the Quran then embarked on a long and boring explanation to justify the abrogated verses. At the end of the day he was not able to provide a list of all the abrogated verses in the Quran. That means, Muslims are prone to the sin of reciting abrogated verses in the mosque. Abeg, let me run to Kotoka International Airport, so that I dont miss my flight back to Nigeria. IT IS A SERIOUS MATTER!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:46:07 +0000

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