“IT IS BEETTER TO BE WITH GOD THAN…” Without faith it - TopicsExpress


“IT IS BEETTER TO BE WITH GOD THAN…” Without faith it isn’t possible to please God. Those who come to God must believe that he exists. And they must believe that he rewards those who look to him. Noah had faith. So he built an ark to save his family. He built it because of his great respect for God. God had warned him about things that could not yet be seen. Because of his faith he showed the world that it was guilty. Because of his faith he was considered right with God. Abraham had faith. So he obeyed God. God called him to go to a place he would later receive as his own. So he went. He did it even though he didn’t know where he was going. Because of his faith he made his home in the land God had promised him. He was like an outsider in a strange country. He lived there in tents. So did Isaac and Jacob. They received the same promise he did. Abraham was looking forward to the city that has foundations. He was waiting for the city that God planned and built. (Heb.11)… Jesus sat down across from the place where people put their temple offerings. He watched the crowd putting their money into the offering boxes. Many rich people threw large amounts into them. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins. They were worth much less than a penny. Jesus asked his disciples to come to him. He said, “What I’m about to tell you is true. That poor widow has put more into the offering box than all the others. They all gave a lot because they are rich. But she gave even though she is poor. She put in everything she had. She gave all she had to live on.” (Mar.12)… When I received your words, I ate them. They filled me with joy. My heart took delight in them. LORD God who rules over all, I belong to you. I never sat around with those who go to wild parties. I never had a good time with them. I sat alone because you had put your powerful hand on me. Your anger against sin was burning inside me. Why does my pain never end? Why is my wound so deep? Why can’t I ever get well? To me you are like a stream that runs dry. You are like a spring that doesn’t have any water. So the LORD says, “Turn away from your sins. Then I will heal you. And then you will be able to serve me. Speak words that are worthy, not worthless. Then you will be speaking for me. Let these people turn to you. But you must not turn to them. I will make you like a wall to them. I will make you like a strong bronze wall. The people will fight against you. But they will not overcome you. I am with you. I will save you,” announces the LORD. “I will save you from the hands of evil people. I will set you free from those who treat you badly.” (Jer.15)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:48:15 +0000

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