IT IS FUNNY THE LACK OF SOME PEOPLES KNOWLEDGE OF THINGS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES. I was out walking my dog and two women came up to me and asked if I would sign, a petition they were bringing around the neighborhood. I asked what it was for and they said to ban Pit Bulls from the neighborhood. I was in a bit of shock for about 30 seconds here were two women asking me to sign a paper to ban Pit Bulls while right there in front of them on the leash was my dog a Pit Bull. I asked to see the petition, as I was reading it both women were petting and getting all kinds of love from my dog. They were saying how sweet she was and such a gentle dog. I asked why the petition, the one lady said her three poodles were attacked by two Pit Bulls that the owner was walking down the road (I know of the guy they are speaking of because like myself he walks the dogs on a leash. Also, these are not pure Pit Bulls they are Pittie/Boxer Mix and very sweet well-behaved dogs). I asked are you the person who lets her dogs out without a leash in front of your house. She said yes, but all Pit Bulls are vicious killer dogs and her three dogs never had a chance. I asked if the Pit Bulls were loose or on a leash, she said they were leashed but that did not matter they killed her dogs. I told her I could not sign that petition, she asked what if that was your dog that was attacked by a Pit Bull. I told her lady your knowledge of Pit Bulls is totally limited my dog the one you were just praising how sweet and gentle is a Pit Bull and for me to sign that petition is a death sentence for my dog and all the Pit Bulls. In addition, the city, state and county ordinance states all dogs must be kept on a leash and under control when out of a yard or off the owner’s property. Your Poodles have been known to charge after both other dogs and people. Because they have charged my dog and myself many times as we walked past your house when you have let them out into the front yard. I also advised her I doubt you will get many signatures since I have spoken with people in the neighborhood here and they want to report you for letting your dog’s run loose. I then left and went back into my house and hugged my spoiled brat PIT BULL..
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 17:22:34 +0000

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