IT IS MY CHOICE: I am learning that sometimes we can read a - TopicsExpress


IT IS MY CHOICE: I am learning that sometimes we can read a scripture verse and go OH so that means such and such. BUT when you go back to the beginning of that particular discussion point, you can usually see that what you THOUGHT it meant didnt fit into the theme of the discussion at all. Many people take their NT and try to fit its teachings into the Hebrew scriptures and say See this is what this means. Unfortunately when reading any book, you cannot take one sentence out of a chapter to tell you what that chapter is discussing. Nor can you take one chapter out of a book and use it to explain what that book is all about. Sometimes in order to see clearly, you must look at the whole picture instead of just your little corner piece to understand what the picture is really displaying. If i want to understand physics, i go to a book that will teach me physics. If i want to understand literature, i will find me a book that will explain literature to me. If i want to understand the medical field, i will choose a book that discusses the details of the medical field. If i want to understand the Hebrew scriptures, i go to the Jewish people whom were given them by Yehovah. SO IF i truly want to understand the words of the one true GOD YEHOVAH, as He gave those words to Moses, Abraham, Issac, Jacob and the prophets, i must go and understand them from their original source - the HEBREW SCRIPTURES and The Hebrew people. (The Old Testament and the Jewish people) Many people criticize me for saying I have taken the NT teachings and their Messiah - Jesus Christ and put it on the shelf. My reasons: It doesnt match the Hebrew Scriptures and the teachings of the hebrew scriptures. When you get in there and double check for yourself what the NT is trying to tell you, it does not match with the words, theme and understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). After having read the Old testament from front to back several times, the new testament didnt fit into the pattern and theme of the Old. Its almost like they are two different stories. I started taking what the NT said section by section and looking for its counter part in the Old testament. You see, our GOD YEHOVAH is so awesome that He told us in advance EVERYTHING that would be coming in the future generations, by whom and what we needed to do to survive and overcome it as His people. So what i started finding was things like they would take part of a verse and quote it - thereby changing its meaning and intent to fit it into their agenda. But if you read the whole verse, it was usually the opposite in meaning. They would say that a certain verse meant one thing, but when you read it in context of its subject matter, it meant something else. I went looking for the confirmation of what the NT said in the words that Yehovah gave that told us what to expect up to and after the end of days. What i found was, time after time, it was the complete opposite of what the NT was trying to convince me it said. Since my GOD YEHOVAH is not the author of confusion, i put the confusion away from me - little by little - then all of the NT was placed on the shelf. Even the NT picture of a messiah didnt fit what Yehovah said to expect from His final messiahs. Yes - there are many whom He will anoint (messiah) for specific jobs or duties. And Jesus has yet to do anything that Yehovah said His final Messiah/King would do. In fact, that man Jesus himself will tell you he came to do the complete opposite of what Yehovah said His King/Messiah would bring about in the latter days. I posted this the other day and it still applies today: In the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament) its all about a relationship with Yehovah and how to stay in that relationship of protection and blessing, how to walk it out and live by His simple instructions, and how to represent HIM to the world. Its about how He had to scatter us into the nations because of our disobedience and our worshipping of false gods and idols BUT how when we repent and return to HIM and HIM ALONE, HE will regather us back into the land HE promised us through our forefathers and that He will settle us in and bless us there. He promised that IF we repent and return to HIM from a sincere heart - He will return to us. He promised that all the nations of the world will be astonished when they see HIM fulfill that promise to return us to the land and cause it and us to break forth with abundance. He promised to place a King, of His choosing, over us from the line of David/Solomon, so that He will govern us in the ways of Yehovah. He also promised that this King will build a final temple with which to honor the bearing of the Name and Presence of Yehovah. He even promised that His presence will be seen and experienced, once again, with His people. He promised that He is Yehovah our GOD and that He is ONE. In the New Testament, it seems to be all about that man/god Jesus Christ and what you have to do and not do to get through him to GOD. Its all about his death, shedding blood and his resurrection. It seems to also be about going to heaven to be with him. So for those of you who have a problem with what i post ON MY FACEBOOK page and you on my friends list, feel free to unfriend me. My feelings will not be hurt. You see, i already know from the words of Yehovah in the OLD Testament, that not everyone will want His truth and His truth only in these last days. But be forewarned of this. A light will do what a light was designed to do. It will shed light and push back at the darkness. The words of Yehovah are a light to our souls and a path for our feet. THEREFORE i will continue to shine His light (words) on MY FACEBOOK PAGE. Also know this, i will continue to share posts that leave you with the context of the scriptures that you NT believes take from the Old testament and try to get it to say something specific. If you try to tell me from your NT scriptures that we are all going to heaven, i will bring scriptures and post them on my page that tells how He will regather His people from all over the world and place us BACK INTO THE LAND THAT HE PROMISED TO GIVE UNTO HIS PEOPLE. If you tell me His messiah had to die for my sins to be forgiven, i will post scriptures that tell you what Yehovah said He wants in order for our sins to be forgiven. If you tell me that in order to have relationship with the ONE TRUE GOD YEHOVAH, I have to go through this man Jesus Christ, i will post scripture after scripture of what YEHOVAH said He wanted us to do to return to HIM and HIM ALONE. Those who love Yehovah are to be a light: a light shines, reveals, illuminates and is used to move back the darkness. A light will not shout, rant, get aggressive or try to overcome you with force - it will just shine forth using His words as a beacon. I will end this post on this: You are right - it is our choice. Even Yehovah says: I set before you life and death, blessings and cursing -YOU CHOOSE. One day we will all have to stand before the judgment seat of YEHOVAH and give answer for the choices we have made. When i stand before Yehovah and give an account for what i believe and what i have done with this live He has given me, I will honestly state that I believe this because i looked into your words, double checked it and found it to be true and have tried my best to live my life honoring those words. I will also tell him that i know that i have made plenty of mistakes, misunderstand much but always hungered to do HIS WILL and to bring HONOR AND GLORY TO HIS NAME through my life. Then i will humbly await His verdict on my choices. It is my prayer and my earnest desire to be found worthy to walk into and inherit His Kingdom that He has promised to those who love Him. YEHOVAH IS MY GOD, YEHOVAH IS ONE GOD AND HE ALONE IS MY SAVIOR, REDEEMER AND MY ONLY FIRST LOVE.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:58:30 +0000

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