IT IS NOT YET OVER “Rejoice not over me oh! My enemies, when I - TopicsExpress


IT IS NOT YET OVER “Rejoice not over me oh! My enemies, when I fall, I will rise: when I sit in darkness the Lord will be my light” Micah 7:8 . When told he would have a son, Zechariah doubted the angel’s word Lk 1:18-19. From Zechariah’s human perspectives, his doubts were understandable- but with God, anything is possible. What God promises he delivers. And God delivers on time! You can have complete confidence that God will keep his promises. Their fulfillment may not be the next day, but they will be at the proper time. If you are waiting for God to answer some requests or to fill some need, remain patient. No matter how impossible God’s promises may seem, what he has said in his word will come true at the right time. Zechariah and Elizabeth were both godly people, yet they were suffering. Some Jews at that time did not believe in bodily resurrection, so their hope of immortality was in their children. In addition, children were considered a blessing, and childlessness was seen as a curse. Zechariah and Elizabeth had been childless for many years, and at this time they were too old to expect any change in their situation. They felt humiliated and hopeless. But God was waiting for the right time to encourage them and take away their disgrace. Taking a cue at the life of Mary, Mary was young, poor, female- all characteristics that (to the people of her day) would make her seem unusable by God for any task. But God chose Mary for one of the most important acts of obedience he has ever demanded of anyone. You may feel that your ability, experience, or education makes you an unlikely candidate for God’s service. Don’t limit God’s choices. He can use you if you trust him. God’s favour does not automatically bring instant success or fame. His blessing on Mary, the honour of being the mother of messiah, would lead to much pain; her peers would ridicule her, her fiancé would come close to leaving her; her son would be rejected and murdered. But through her son will come the world’s only hope. Imagine God promising you that he would give you a son who would die to put an end to the problem of Nigeria, would you agree to such a deal? That was the situation Mary found herself and this is why Mary was praised for countless generations. Her submission was part of God’s plan to bring about our salvation. If sorrow weighs you down and dims your hope, think of Mary and wait patiently for God to finish working out his plan. A young unmarried girl who became pregnant risked disaster. Unless the father of the child agreed to marry her, she would probably remain unmarried for life. If her own father rejected her, she could be forced into begging or prostitution in order to earn her living. Still Mary said, despite the possible risks “may everything you have said come true”. Is God asking you to go into a relationship or marriage but it seems bleak? Go ahead. Are you confused? Are you in pain? Are you rejected and forsaken? Have just lost an opportunity? “All things are possible to him that believes” Mk9:2 Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour today and you will see a total turn-around. PRAYER Father, remember me also in Jesus name. Watch out for our testimonies in our book titled: In the wilderness of life.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:30:18 +0000

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