IT IS NOW CRITICAL TO ESTABLISH WHAT IS TRUE AND WHAT IS FALSE! - The North American Law Center ( ) 1.Obama has not committed impeachable offenses. This statement is blatantly FALSE! Obama & Co. have committed numerous high crimes and misdemeanors rising to the level of impeachable offenses over the past six years and they just committed another last night by advancing illegal amnesty for illegal invaders from the Executive Branch, which has no constitutional authority to do so. 2.Obama cannot be impeached because he is a usurper to the office. This statement is blatantly FALSE! First, the Founders specifically identified usurpation, fraud, breach of public trust, acts against the Constitution or the American people and treason as the high crimes and misdemeanors that rise to the level of impeachable offenses, according to Article II Section IV of the US Constitution. Second, Obama holds the color of office and has taken the oath of office and has acted as President of the United States for six years. This alone makes him subject to impeachment. 3.Obama can be arrested for treason and face criminal prosecution without impeachment. This statement has no legal foundation behind it and it is therefore FALSE. The 5th Amendment to the Constitution in the Bill of Rights prevents any illegal arrest, incarceration, and search or seizure without due process of law. In the case of the Oval Office, the constitutional due process is to first impeach and remove from office, and then charge individuals with crimes post impeachment. 4.If we impeach Obama, we will get stuck with Biden. This is also a FALSE statement! Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Holder and a long list of others are co-conspirators to all of Obamas crimes against this nation. As such, in proper impeachment proceedings, the evidence will demonstrate that none of them can succeed Obama to the Oval Office as co-conspirators to all of his crimes, including the crime of covering up his crimes. The co-conspirators are guilty of misprision of treason under 18 U.S. Code § 2382 in U.S. law. 5.We cannot impeach Obama because blacks will riot in the streets. This statement may or may not be TRUE! Inner city blacks often riot in the streets when the Chicago Bulls or LA Lakers win a basketball game, or when a black youth dies trying to kill a cop. To not uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States because some blacks may riot in the streets over it is a blatant act of cowardice by the American people and their elected servants. 6.We cant impeach without a 2/3 Republican majority in both chambers of Congress. Once again, this statement is an assumption, not a fact. As a result, it is FALSE until the outcome of an impeachment trial is known, once all evidence has been presented to the nation. 7.We have other legal options to deal with Obamas treason and fraud. Although this is a common opinion from modern legal experts who believe in law by precedence, it is FALSE according to the Founders and the Constitution of the United States. Under Article II - Section IV of the Constitution, the only legal remedy available for dealing with a fraudulent usurper guilty of committing acts of treason from the Oval Office is in fact impeachment. 8.Congress can defund Obamas amnesty order. As Obamas amnesty order is designed to be paid for by fees and fines collected by the program itself, not being part of the general federal budget under the control of Congress, this statement is FALSE. Obamas amnesty is designed to self-fund outside of congressional budget authority. 9.There is nothing Congress can do to override Obamas Executive Order. This statement is FALSE! First, the House of Representatives can and should immediately pass a House Resolution declaring Obamas amnesty EO null and void on the grounds that all constitutional authority to regulate or make rules for Immigration and Naturalization rest with Congress alone under Article I enumerated powers of congress; declaring that Obama overstepped his constitutional authority by issuing the illegal EO in an overt attempt to usurp congressional authority in direct violation to the Constitution and his oath of office. 10.States can use nullification to block Obama amnesty at the state line. This statement is FALSE (as stated). The concept of state level nullification of federal laws has been around since the early 1800s. The concept was first attempted by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, both of whom failed in their efforts to nullify federal law. Nullification has been attempted hundreds of times since and has never been successful in over 237 years. 11.Republicans can stop Obama amnesty with a frivolous law suit. This statement is FALSE. The civil courts have no jurisdiction on matters of constitutionality regarding the Oval Office and Executive Orders. The US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction on all such matters, but has no judicial oversight authority over the Oval Office. While the high court can issue a ruling declaring Obamas illegal amnesty EO unconstitutional, that ruling does nothing to stop Obama from implementing the EO. The Supreme Court ruled ObamaCare unconstitutional on six of six grounds, yet ObamaCare is still being implemented. CONCLUSION - IMPEACHMENT IS THE ONLY OPTION NOW! The above information was vetted by Constitutional Attorneys at The North American Law Center ( ) before publication. The information provided above is the foundation for a statement released by former Federal Judge Andrew Napolitano in which he correctly states, Impeachment is the only legal remedy for Obamas crimes. NALC NOTICE TO CONGRESS HOUSE NOTICE TO OBAMA ACTION NEEDED! DEMAND AN IMMEDIATE HOUSE RESOLUTION AND IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT FROM YOUR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES TODAY AND EVERY DAY FOR THE NEXT WEEK! CONTACT YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS HERE Last but not least.... PLEASE DONATE HERE to keep us operational at a critical time in American history!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 02:21:36 +0000

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