IT IS RECCOMENDED TO BREAK THE FAST WITH DATES AND IF THERE IS NONE AVAILABLE THEN WITH A FEW SIPS OF WATER. Prophet Muhammad(may Allah have mercy on him) would break his fast with RIPE DATES before he prayed ,if their were no fresh dates then with DRIED DATES and if there were no dates then with some MOUTHFUL OF WATER. (Musnad of Imam Ahmad,Abu Dawood) This breaking of the fast should be done with something light and then after salutal magrib he (may Allah have mercy on him) would then have dinner. But if food is present before, then one is recommend to eat first .As he Prophet Muhammad(may Allah have mercy on him) said: "No one should pray when food is served" (shahi Muslim) And he (may Allah have mercy on him) said : “IF dinner is served then eat first before you pray the salaatul maghrib and do not leave off your dinner and hasten to prayer" (Recorded in bukhari and Muslim) We should try our best to implement this sunnah of our Prophet by using dates and if that is not available then sips of water to break our fast. Also, note that it is not permissible for a person who is eating dates with others at the table etc that he/she should take 2 dates at a time it is not permissible to do this ,only if one seeks permission from the people he/she is eating with but if he/she is eating by him self then there is no harm in taking 2 at a time,base on the following hadith : Shobah ibn Jabalah said: "....we were affected with drouth and ibn Az Zubair would provide us with dates,Ibn Umar would pass by us and say "Verily the messenger of Allah(may Allah have mercy on him) FORBADE US FROM Al Iq-raan( meaning picking up 2 dates from the tray or dish at the same time) unless a man among you ask permission from his brother” (Recorded in Bukhari, Muslim,Ahmad,at Tirmidhee,Ibn Maajah,and Abu Dawood) Just note that since it is established that it is better to have a light iftar, then pray and then have dinner .Those people who are in charge in this position in the masjid should take care not to have the food displayed before the salaatul magrib.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 07:22:48 +0000

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