IT IS SAD BUT TRUE (PLEASE READ!!!) ***************Reasons - TopicsExpress


IT IS SAD BUT TRUE (PLEASE READ!!!) ***************Reasons Why You Will Never Be ***************** I am not going to say i am not guilty of some of these reason, but the difference is i will always find away to move forward, You push off responsibility----Accept full responsibility for every single thing that happens in your life. Don’t blame others. Don’t blame circumstances. Don’t blame what you lack. And definitely don’t blame your luck. You will always have choices to make in every situation, and these choices will always have consequences. Procrastinate---Understand the cost of being a procrastinator. It is like a credit card. You have a lot of fun while at it, but wait until you get the bill. Procrastination is deadly. Perfectionist----Perfection does not exist. It is only a great excuse not to get started. Do your best; strive to be good; strive to become better than you were yesterday; but forget perfection. Because if your work truly matters to you, you will never ever reach that state anyway. Afraid of criticism----If you are going to be achieving anything great, expect tons of criticism and haters. Learn to handle them. Learn the kind of criticism you should accept and the kind that you should discard. Not all criticism is of use. Afraid of failure----Do things for success, but expect failure along the way. Failure is absolutely necessary. Failure is a life lesson designed to bring out the best in you. If you are too afraid to fail, then don’t start. Darn lazy---If you’re putting in the same amount of work as the people around you, consider yourself lazy. It’s a competitive world, and if you want to stand out at all, then prepare yourself mentally and work two times harder than everyone else. If others work five hours, you work seven. Work your butt off. It pays. And forget all your partying. Stopped growing--Successful people understand that they need to sharpen their skills all the time. They understand that once they stop, they will fall behind the competition. They have made the decision early in the game to become excellent and the top in their field. --Simple, but not easy. It’s all in your mind. Are you ready to make major changes in your life? Let’s get to it Like Us: New Beginning Miz C S Brackett Website: newbeginningmiz Your change start here: prosperity-link/Thinking-Big
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:26:10 +0000

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