IT IS THE TIME TO TAKE IMMEDIATE DECISION BY THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY WHETHER UMMAHAWILL FOLLOW THE CREATOR ‘s QURANIC DIVINE SHIRK FREE Commands OR MAN MADE ANTI-DEENE/SHIRKy / SHIRK MIXED/WORLDLY MAN MADE COMMANDS ON WHICH DIVINE PEACEFUL HELP /WORLDLY PUNISHMENT FROM OUR CREATOR OF THE SEEN AND UNSEEN UNIVERSE ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TAALA DEPENDS Muslim ummah is a prophet dependent muslim nation and all its activities of the follower of this nation from birth to pre death and post death are guided by the divine guidance DEEN ISLAM sent by ALLAH subhanahu wa ta aa la to our prohhet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam by His subhanahu wa taala”s respected Angel with a missin to establish deen as the previous prophets were sent for the same mission . Our prophet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam is the last and final prophet sent by by Allah subhanahu wa Taala declearing him sallalahu alaihi wa sallam as an enlightened LIGHT to establish the deen on earth for the welfare of the human being with full security guarantee.from Him subhanahu wa Taala and he sallalahu alaihi wa sallam was helped by sending Divine FORCES in many DEENE WARS when and where help was essential as his sallalahu alaihi wa sallam life security was secured with guarantee by ALLAH subhanahu wa Taala . We the present muslim ummah is the follower of this prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam whose divine qualification was “Enlightened d Light” whose life security was guaranteed and who was helped by sending Divine Angels force when and where Allah subhanahu wa Taala needed to help our Prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam Our beloved prophet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam established deen in every sectors of human worldly life passing properly and built left a huge numbers of educated muslim community by proper theoretical and practical training in 23 years of his deen establishing period as a prophet under the direct divine command and direction of Allah subhanahu wa Taaala Islam was declared as a last final full code of life and the the Muhammad sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam was deleared as the last prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam after him sallalahu alaihi wa sallam there no prophet would be sent and muslim is the last nation till the end of the earth . Naturally His sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam ‘s follower would be sufficient to continue the deene activities in the absence of our prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam as a large numbers of trained muslims were left by him sallalahu alaihi wa sallam to continue till the end of the earth because of this sending prophets after him was declared closed Present muslim ummah is passing a very difficult period in every muslim country .Terrorist activities made the countries unstable in every sectors . Main causes may be mentioned DEENE Education is kept away from the muslim owned educational establishments as a result muslims peoples are coming out from these establishment are ignorant in deen and are well educated in man made subjects and these muslims are ruling the muslim countries . Naturally we can nat hope Deene administration from them In conclusion that muslim ummah is declared as a body and I am apart of this body and I am a follower of the prophet whose security was guaranteed by Allah subhanahu wa Taala I believe our security are also guaranteed so let us go to the original DEENE track where our prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam left us with proper education and training to enjoy the guaranteed secured life here and hereafter if we failed Punishments along with destructions will follow us as we already observed and are also observing . Let us raise the demand to introduce FULL Deene Syllabus anong with existing man made worldly syllabus in the all muslim state owned educational establishments compulsory for the all muslim students from primary to university No doubt this will help to achieve the Deene knowledge and will root out terrorist activities from the soil of muslim countries because none will be able to motivate these students to charge a bomb to kill peoples even an ant. And they will helpful for the future Shirk free muslim ummah Please share this as a DAWA OF DEEN with your all muslim friends and request them to share with their friends so that this DAWA is propagated to all muslims world wide . Allahu Akbar . Allahu Hafeju
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 09:37:37 +0000

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