IT IS UNFORTUNATE THAT SOME OF OUR ELITES SEES CORRUPTION AS NOT THE PROBLEM OF NIGERIA. Am highly disappointed hearing this from mr president himself telling the world that corruption is not the problem of Nigeria what a trash. Before we talk about corruption we really need to know what corruption is all about, which I dont want to believe myself by saying our elites dont know what corruption is all about. If not corruption why will be fuel sale at the rate of 140 naira per litter.......? If not corruption why should our polytechnics still be in strike while dear childrens swimming in UK, switzerland etc.......? If not corruption what brought about MEND....? If not corruption what gave birth to the nonsensity call BOKO HARAM .......? If not corruption why should them be looting our money ......? If not corruption why should the presidency, senates, reps, ministers etc have their own candidates and collection money from the poor masses to run a SCAM called IMMAGRETION exercise that only have 4500 vacancy is available all over the nation, which lead to the massive dead and torture of my fellow future leaders of federal republic of Nigeria, I hope the human right agencies knows what that means........? If not corruption why should OKONJO IWELA the minister of finance be paid in dollars not Nigeria currency .....? If not corruption what gave birth to tribalism and regional sentiment ....? If not corruption what bring all about G7 .....? If not corruption what crumpled Agriculture in Nigeria .....? If not corruption why should the ex Governor of CBN be suspended while is not stated in the constitution that president have the right to suspend any CBN governor.......? If not corruption why is there no job for the unemployed youths in the nation .....? If not corruption why should 10 governors given automatic ticket to contest for senate when we all know that this bunchs of scavengers are responsible for the break down of our economy ......? If not corruption why should be morons like Abba still be a minister of federal republic of Nigeria .......? If not corruption why should governor of niger state build private university in Accra Ghana while his state education is collapsing with poor performance ....? If not corruption why should looters of Nigeria fly abroad for common medical checkup.....? If not corruption why should Youth of federal republic of Nigeria be denied their human rights.....? If not corruption why should former minister of Aviation import cars that are of no use to the poor masses.....? As long as corruption is not the primary objective of the national confab, it will make no-sense at all and with those bunch if thieves in there, corruption has no solution take it or live it. The poors are dying, some are out of school while bunch of useless politicians are swimming with the money that belong to the poor masses. may God have mercy on us and our so called leaders.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:11:46 +0000

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