IT S NOT DEMOCRACY, ITS DEMOCRAZINESS AND POLITRICS. In the morning of march 2013 people woke up to shape the future of this beautiful country Kenya,it was one of the most competitive election ever in Kenyan History and the first to be held with the new constitution in place,to make it even more serious was the fact that the rest of the world was watching how the nerve center of East and Central Africa was going to conduct it self since 5 years earlier, the country was in its knees due to the civil war commonly reffered to as post election violence that had hit the country ,with the election over and paving way for our government to fulfill and implement its manifesto, several questions still linger in my mind, was this democracy exercised or democraziness on its highest level? did politicians really play politics at that time or was it politricks ?I dont know,but what i can say without an iota of doubt in my mind is that, majority of citizens though well learned voted for parties and not individuals,a bigger number of them still were driven by tribal politics and kenyanese spirit was no where to be seen,its one election of its kind that you can pin point in the world where citizen blindness and sycophancy was at its highest pick.Lets consult the annals of history and go some years back,in December 2005, the very patriotic citizens of this country rejected the then constitution that they had not read since there tribal point men were in the opposition,but what happened in 2010? a new constitution which was 99% replica of the proposed 2005 constitution was adopted,what changed within such a short period of time? Its the same citizen who are now complaing too loud where you hear some of them saying that the old system was more better than the present pointing some reasons such as the wage bill,but what i ask my self is,did every right minded citizen not see the politricks that had been played to increase the number of constituency for politicians to increase there chance of getting back to parliament or it was just ignorance ? the big question is, what is the new parliament of 377 members doing that the 210 member parliament could not do?who do we blame for the double taxation?its our democraziness since we citizens have been converted into voting robots year in year out. April 11 is around the corner and student of the best University in East and central Africa will be going to the ballot to elect there leaders,some former student leaders of this big University Union are well known in the world,this is becouse of how they relentely fought for there fellow comrades,Miguna Miguna,James Orengo ,Ababu Namwamba to name just a few.Of recent years, students have felt dissapointed by the leaders they elect who have gone ahead to grow there tummies within the short period of one year that they are in power rather than serving them, is it that they lack somebody who can articulate there grievances and represent them wholeheartedly as some of the leaders of the past did,its abuse to intelligence to think to the positive of this,with a population of 60000 students there is no way that can happen, the main cause of this is the democraziness that have been spread to them from the common unlearned mwananchi ,some years back they were considered to be the creame of the country but this is no more,year in year out they are complaining of harsh examination rules being implemented,brutal murder of there fellow comrades,poor sanitation etc.As the D Day approaches aks yourself some serious questions,who is this one person who can make my stay in this University condusive and safe to leave in,how is the track record of this leader am about to vote.Its time we vote right or stop complaining, and to those who are planning to cause mayhem, remember that no matter how far you urinate, the last drop will always fall between your legs
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:55:29 +0000

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