IT TAKES A GREAT FOLLOWER TO BE AN OUTSTANDING LEADER. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel (UGE) 2015. Following Instruction for the construction of a glorious destiny is a rare virtue and UGE has it. Being a man under Authority confers Authority to also instruct others in the path of greatness. Many see the results from great businesses,but very few know how the machine works and how to fix it,should anything go wrong. UGE has been working the machine for decades under Global gurus guidance. He has what it takes to get this state INDUSTRALIZED. The Sons of Sceva (untrained) versus The Disciplines if Christ,(The Trained). The trained will always surpass those hasty to make mortal fame. Talking about partnership,mergers and acquisitions is no issue for today but you bet UGE in his years of experience knows what it means to be Mentally,spiritually and Financially free as it concerns business ownership. Some erroneously think because UGE does not own a filling Station or a hotel directly that he has no partnership claim and oversight interest in not a few globally influencing consortium. I couldnt fan-thom the thinking prowess of a good writer and social contributor especially in opinion shaping as it concerns 2015 Akwa Ibom State election,for such to think that UGE attending Attahs Reception would have proven the contrary. It is not my place to defend UGEs Absence,yet I personally thank God he missed it. WHY? The Flex was a direct Insult on a government he is part of and the organisers of the event having thrown caution,Civility and Diplomacy into the wind deserved only Absence. Let them stew in their mess and hatred for constituted Authority alone. When ever INSECURITY meets CONFIDENCE,she will call her PROUD and COCKY. Those unable to measure up with UGEs Intimidating profile should know,this man is aware that without God no man can do nor achieve anything in life. Why allow yourself to be intimidated by a mans profile when he personally cares little or nothing about such? If UGE where to attend a meeting for 5th September 2014,It should have been the one the Youths drummed support Demanding he RESIGNS,CONTEST and WIN as Governor of our Great State,yet he couldnt make it for obvious reasons. To such extend not attending Attahs grand reception shouldnt be reason enough to tag him as the writer attempted to. UGE has been running the machines of mega businesses under great Mentors and he knows HOW,WHAT,WHY and WHEN to plunge this great state into our much desired INDUSTRALIZATION phase. Lets take advantage of his wealth of experience. And the government shall be upon his shoulder...and his Name shall be called Emmanuel... CYL...Putting Things RIGHT for our Future. Micheal Joseph Okon(ACE), National Cordinator CYL writes from Ituk-mbang, Uruan.07036688283(SMS).
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:34:03 +0000

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