IT TAKES A NETWORK TO BEAT A NETWORK On January 13, 1963, three - TopicsExpress


IT TAKES A NETWORK TO BEAT A NETWORK On January 13, 1963, three days after he started printing his country own currency, a squad of illiterate soldiers backed by France, killed the first elected president of newly independent Africa in Togo. His name was Sylvanus Olympio . His dream was to build an independent and self-sufficient and self-reliant country. But the French didn’t like the idea. When the squad started firing on the residence of the president, around 11pm, warned by his wife, he succeeded to flee to the American embassy which was only 4 meters away, and sought refuge. Unfortunately for him, the American embassy tipped the French Embassy in Togo, which gave the information to the horde of former French Foreign Legionnaires who requested the Embassy to transfer the fugitive president to them. The American Embassy did exactly what the insurgents requested, and Sylvanus Olympio was murdered on the spot, by a French Foreign Legionnaire army sergeant called Etienne Gnassingbe who received a bounty of $612 from the local French embassy for the hit man job. Almost 30 years later, in the years 1990s, the political situation in Togo was tense. Young people were tired of the despotic reign of Etienne Gnassingbe (the hit man). A group of social activists organized demonstrations in order to chase him from power. They requested France to back their demand by asking president Gnassingbe to resign. France refused. The group of activists seek the support of the German and American Embassies in the countries, meeting with these countries ambassadors and detailing their requests, and actions plan. But at their surprise, the French ambassador was always well informed by the Germans and Americans about their meetings, ideas and plans. In the end all the activists attempts failed, Etienne Gnassingbe remained in power for another 15 years till his death in 2005, and thereafter replaced by his son Faure Gnassingbe who still is the president of Togo up to date. Why did all these attempts failed? As a French white supremacist said it “The reason Africans are losing all their battles is because they don’t know they in a war since 1433″, when the first Europeans set foot on the continent looking for goods. The war is not a French war against Africa. The War is not a British war against Africa. The war is not a Dutch war against Africa. The War is not a Belgium war against Africa. The war is not a German war against Africa. The war is not an American war against Africa. The war is a the West war against Africa, and all these countries are united in that war. Trying to play them against one another is just pure ignorance of how the West have been organized and still work. The best way to have an idea of how from Hollywood to Swiss Banks, from Celebrities to Ordinary Citizen, how Western countries are indeed deeply integrated and collaborate closely to get their interests defended, Is to watch the movie “ Argo “ which depicts how six U.S. diplomats were rescued from Tehran, Iran, during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. Never, never tried to play the West against the West, or try to play a Western country against another Western country. It’s just pure naiveté. In his will to independence, Sylvanys Olympio said “We will get rid of france”, and wanted to move toward Germany by printing a local currency backed by the DeutschMark, and move his country’s alliances toward UK, and United States. Pure naiveté! During the last 50 years 21 African presidents were killed in office, 39 coups d’état have been committed, and since 2008 altogether 13 presidents died in office in the world, 10 were African presidents. In most cases, the events happen because of the naiveté of our officials, and their suicidal ignorance that EVERY NGO, every UN Agency, Every foreign Embassy, Every journalist, every freemason lodge, very multinational, every alumni network, and many of the foreign institutions we interface with in our day life on the continent are just the various faces of the same empire system, as they are all linked vertically or horizontally, and would report instantly any piece of information that would try to end the looting system that enrich their countries. The Asians were first to understand this, and have successfully made their countries more complex to be hacked and penetrated. And, As result, the West has lost All their Asian wars during the last 60 years, and have now made up their mind that Asia can’t be hacked. South America is on the same way to freedom. Only the Middle east and Africa are still vulnerable to West violent attack. To fight the multifaceted network, you have to build your multifaceted network, and purposefully use it as a counter-network, and an action network. Why? Because, It Takes A Network To Beat A Network.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:50:31 +0000

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