IT TAKES SOME STONES TO READ THIS AND LOOK IN THE MIRROR! It is easy to criticize Obama as the most incompetent, dangerous president in our history, and it is easy to castigate the electoral system for setting us up to fail, but the truth is that Obama is us and the electoral system is of our creation. Obama and the system are only reminders of who we are. WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE! I’ll freely admit I’ve gotten much nastier in my tone over recent months when my efforts go unnoticed. I spend hours and and hours on some posts that have SO much valuable information, and they barely get viewed by more than a few thousand people. I have other posts I don’t spend half the time or energy on, and are far less important that reach MILLIONS AND MILLIONS! I constantly ask myself why I even bother. I OFFERED A SOLUTION TO THE COUNTRY’S PROBLEMS ITS ONE THAT WOULD HAVE WORKED TOO! BUT I THINK EVEN THAT TIME HAS PASSED NOW! Most people ignored that post. It didn’t have a catchy slogan or cool picture. It was just a bare bones solution, with a 2nd grade common sense mentality that would have worked over night… and most people skipped right over it… or read it, and didn’t find it worth sharing. It was too simple. War is more flashy! When a likely presidential candidate, Ben Carson, recently said that there may not be a 2016 election because the country, according to Carson, may implode before then, most folks never thought twice of it. Most folks today are REAL REAL DUMB! WHEN, OF ALL PEOPLE A FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE SAYS THE COUNTRY MAY DESTROY ITSELF BEFORE THE NET ELECTION, UH… HELLO… THAT IS SOMETHING YOU PAY ATTENTION TO… EVEN SOMEONE LOBOTOMIZED OUGHT TO KNOW THAT! Our police are militarizing more by the day, not to combat foreign enemies, to combat Americans who believe in the rule of law, not rule of man. “FEMA camps said to be large enough to house 50 million Americans are being built. The Department of Homeland Security has recently added an order of 360,000 rounds of ammunition in addition to the 2 billion they purchased in the last months. “ WHERE IS THE COUNTRY YOU KNEW AND LOVED? YOU SOLD IT DOWN THE RIVER. YOU WERE TOO BUSY… I’VE ALWAYS SAID… WE GET WHAT WE DESERVE. Read on...
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:00:01 +0000

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