IT WAS AWESOME IN HIS PRESENCE @ OFM 1, ATHENS GREECE!!! PRAYER BREAK EVERY YOKE, PRAYER BREAK EVERY CHAIN IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. PRAYER TOPIC: LET GOD REPLY THEM! BIBLE TEXT: NUMBERS 16:1 - 3, 28 -31. From the Scripture above, Moses sacrificed so much to save his people from the land of bondage and the same people he tried to save gathered against him and Aaron. Korah, Dathan, Abiram and 250 others;they all rise against him, confronted him and say he have wielded so much influence. Moses didnt do anything because he knew that God Almighty that have sent him on that mission will reply for this challenge. He only looked up to Heaven and GOD rose to his defense. What happened? The Earth opened up its mouth and swallowed all their accusers. REVENGE IS FOR GOD. WHEN GOD REPLIES, YOU GET ANSWER THAT GIVES YOU A NEW PLACEMENT. WHEN GOD REPLIES FOR YOU, YOU GET FIRST CLASS RECOGNITION FOR A NEW MISSION. Child of God, dont reply by yourself because it will be minimal; allow GOD arise for your sake and reply them. UNDER GRACE OF GOD UPON MY SPIRITUAL FATHER, APOSTLE (PROF) JOHNSON SULEMAN, I DECLARE, LET GOD ARISE FOR YOUR SAKE AND REPLY ALL YOUR ENEMIES. Child of God, nothing comes under your command until you place a demand. To be envied in life is normal. Every high calling attracts high gossip. IF GOD IS ZEALOUS OF YOU, MEN WILL BE JEALOUS OF YOU. Is normal. Gods choice is devils target. EVERY NEW ANOINTING ATTRACTS NEW ANNOYANCE. EVERY NEW BREAKTHROUGH ATTRACTS NEW LEVEL ENEMIES/BACKBITTERS. Dont reply them, may be they know you very well, your background, know your past but never reply them, look to GOD, so His fire will reply them and cause the ground to open its mouth and swallow them all. WHY GOD SHOULD REPLY THEM:- 1). FEAR FOR HIS NAME. 1 CHRONICLES 16:30, NUMBERS 12:6 - 8. 2).SO HIS FEAR WILL FLL ON HIS PEOPLE:- 2 CHRONICLES 17:10 - 13. 3). HE HAS SENT YOU:- NUMBERS 16:28. 4). TO PROVOKE SOMETHING NEW TO HAPPEN:- ISAIAH 43:19. 6). THERE IS REWARD FOR SERVICE:- HEBREWS 11:25. HOW DOES GOD REPLY? GOD USE MEN TO REPLY:- Those men that God use open their mouth. No case against you can be closed until your mouth closes it. YOUR MOUTH IS YOUR LIFELINE IN SPIRIT. More Grace brethren!!!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 22:12:55 +0000

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