IT WAS HUSAIN WHO GAVE ISLAM A NEW LIFE; Masudi, in his - TopicsExpress


IT WAS HUSAIN WHO GAVE ISLAM A NEW LIFE; Masudi, in his Murujuz-Dhahab, Volume II, says that the character of Yazid was like that of Pharaoh, but that Pharaoh was more just to his subjects than Yazid was. Yazids rule brought disgrace on the fair name of Islam. His wickedness included drinking wine;murdering the Prophets son; cursing the Prophets successor, Ali; demolishing the House of Allah (Masjidul-Haram), and mass killings. He committed countless transgressions against divine law, sins which are unforgivable. Many historians have related this fact. Sibt Ibn Jauzi in his Tadhkira, page 63, says that some of the people of Medina went to Syria in 62 A.H. When they learned of the sinful deeds of Yazid, they returned to Medina, broke their allegiance to him, cursed him, and turned out his Governor, Uthman Bin Abi Sufyan. Abdullah Bin Hanzala (Ghusilul-Malaikat) said: O people, we did not revolt against Yazid until we verified that he was an irreligious man. He killed the descendants of the Prophet, illegally associates with mothers, daughters, and sisters, drinks wine, and does not offer the ritual prayer. When this news reached Yazid, he sent a large army of Syrians under Muslim Bin uqba against the people of Medina. The slaughter of Muslims continued for three days. Yazids forces killed 700 noblemen of the Quraish, Muhajirs, and Ansars, and 10,000 common people. I am ashamed to say how the Muslims were humiliated. I will quote only one passage of Tadhkira, page 163, by Sibt Ibn Jauzi, reported by Abul-Hasan Madaan: After the mass slaughter of the people of Medina, 1,000 unmarried women gave birth to children. SHOULD YAZID BE CURSED? I fail to understand why some are so interested in defending Yazid, in the face of his murders of Allahs Apostles and his slaughter of the people of Medina. Moreover; assertion that he showed repentance is not proven. Dont his denials of the main principles of Islam, the Day of Resurrection, the revelation, and prophethood merit our condemnation? Hasnt Allah cursed the oppressors? If these arguments are not sufficient for the advocates of Yazid Bin Muawiya. Bukhari and Muslim in the Sahih, Allama Samhudi in Tarikhul-Medina, Abul-Faraj Bin Jauzi in Kitabur-Radd Alal- Mutaasibul-Anid, Sibt Ibn Jauzi in Tadhkira-e- Khawasul-Umma, Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal in Musnad and others quote the Holy Prophet as saying: If anyone frightens and oppresses the people of Medina, Allah will frighten him (i.e., on the Day of Judgement). He will be cursed by Allah, by the angels, and by all humanity. And on the Day of Judgement, Allah will not accept any of his deeds. The Prophet also said: Curse be on him who frightens my city (the people of Medina). Didnt this mass slaughter frighten the people of Medina? If it did, then acknowledge along with the Prophet, the angels, and all the people that that wicked malefactor was cursed and will go on being cursed until the Day of Judgement. The majority of ulema have cursed Yazid. Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Amir Shabrawi Shafii in Kitabul-Ittihaf be Hubbil-Ashraf Raji ba Lan-e-Yazid, page 20, writes that when the name of Yazid was mentioned before Mulla Sad Taftazani, he said: Curse be on him and on his companions and helpers. Allama Samhudi in his Jawahirul-Iqdain, is reported to have said: The ulema in general have concurred that it is permitted to curse him who murdered Imam Husain, or who ordered him to be murdered, or who sanctioned his murder, or who agreed to his murder. Ibn Jauzi, Abu Yala, and Salih Bin Ahmad, arguing from the verses of the Holy Quran write that, It is proven that cursing Yazid is permissible. It is the duty of all Muslims that they should know the rights that Husain has them, and how, with the strength of his suffering u and tyranny, he watered the tree of Islam with his own blood and the blood of his family. Otherwise, that blessed tree might have died because of the tyranny of the Bani Umayya. It was Husain who gave Islam a new life.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 17:27:49 +0000

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