IT WASNT JUST BECAUSE OF THE OTHER CASINOS Contrary to popular - TopicsExpress


IT WASNT JUST BECAUSE OF THE OTHER CASINOS Contrary to popular opinion, it wasnt just the competition of the surrounding Casinos in other States that killed AC. AC had a 35 yr. lead on all these places and had the town been developed properly and not allowed to descend into a seedy slum we might have avoided the mass exodus of the gaming Industry were seeing this year. Sadly, a BIG part of the problem was baked into the system from the start. Mandating that Casino/Hotels had to be huge with a min. of 500 rooms set a standard that essentially favored large Corp. enterprises and their economic power over everyone else in the marketplace. Many people see that now, but its too late. Hopefully , as the Casino era fades what will happen is a new generation of small and mid-sized businesses will slowly return and fill in the gaping hole these places are going to leave in the short term. Its to be seen. What we all have to realize is that there are plenty of other seaside resorts up and down the East Coast that have thrived these past 30 yrs. and done it without CASINO/HOTELS. In AC it could now be argued that gaming industry has destroyed the town in the short run and is leaving it now having sucked the life out of it.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:44:06 +0000

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