**IT WILL JUST TAKE 5 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME TO READ THIS, AND YOU’LL UNDERSTAND THE ROOT OF WHATS REALLY HAPPENING IN PALESTINE TODAY** The Israeli’s are digging under Masjid Al-Aqsa. They have openly admitted their intention to demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa and in its place “resurrect the Temple of Solomon”. Archeologically and historically, we know that the ruins of the Temple of Solomon lie beneath Masjid Al-Aqsa. We don’t know how deep the excavations go, but its happening with every passing day. The situation needs no more silence! With ALLAH as my witness, Al-Aqsa, the first Qibla of Islam, is in DANGER. As a result of digging & excavation, there are cracks on the walls of Masjid Al-Aqsa and the houses nearby. The Masjid with a gold dome is NOT Masjid Al-Aqsa, it is the Dome of the Rock. Masjid Al-Aqsa is infact behind the Dome of the Rock. Media shows the Dome of the Rock as Masjid Al-Aqsa so that no one would even realize it when Masjid Al-Aqsa is destroyed. Muslims, make it your duty to be able to identify Masjid Al-Aqsa! Israel wants the land of Palestinians, particularly the land on which Al-Aqsa is built. BUT DO WE KNOW WHY? 1) There are Jews that believe in one god – praying properly etc. 2) Then there are Jews that are “ashkenazi” and those that believe in the ORIGINS OF THE JEWISH RELIGION. Prior to Judaism, the people of that land were ZIONIST. They believed in Zionism, which has its ROOTS IN a practice called “Kabala” (this is an ancient form of Jewish magic and is based on the principles of the occult and paganism ie: believing in gods and goddesses as well as SATAN). This practice was learnt from the ancient Egyptians prior and during the time of MOSES (MUSA ALAIHISSALAAM). Further research proves that what they actually worshipped was JINN (Spirits). In all ancient paintings, drawings etc, these Gods were all blue in colour. The Quran tells us that Jinn is created from the smokeless flame of fire – meaning the essence of a flame. So go ahead and light a flame, and you’ll see that the heart of that flame is BLUE. Jinn also live for thousands of years and travel very fast (which explains why all the ancient civilizations had similar looking “gods” at least one of whom was blue). (REMEMBER ALADDIN? BLUE JINN IT IS, YES?) The Quran warned us to never take Jews as our friends. Allah warned us that they would work to destroy Islam. And this is something we see happening. Muslims and Christians are awaiting the second coming of Jesus The Messiah. We also know that the Dajjal (the Anti-Christ / False Messiah) will appear before Jesus does. Jews also believe in a “second coming.” They are preparing for it. However, the interesting thing is that the Jewish faith does not recognize Jesus. Jews do not acknowledge Jesus at all. You fit the puzzle! If they do not acknowledge Jesus and don’t believe he’s returning, yet are awaiting a second coming…then WHO ARE THEY WAITING FOR?? ___________________________________________ Solomon (Sulayman Alaihissalaam) ruled over the race of man, and the race of Jinn, As Allah decreed. Sulayman was tasked with spreading Allahs word. (ie: the belief and worship in ONE god). It came to Sulaymans attention that groups of people in the land were STILL practicing magic and the occult. He ordered his guards to go throughout the land and confiscate every book, manuscript, tablet, or page that any occult or instruction to do magic or witchcraft was written on, as these TAUGHT people the practice of summoning spirits (Jinn). In Islam we know that this is haraam. So, on Prophet Sulaymans instruction, they brought all books to him, and he then buried them where he thought they would be safest i.e.: no one could get / steal them. WHERE DID HE BURY THEM?? In the foundations of the temple, UNDER HIS THRONE! He appointed guards known as the Knights of the Temple of Solomon (Knights Templars) to guard the temple day and night. The Knights did this initially. When Sulayman (Alaihissalaam) passed away (May Allah grant him Jannah, Ameen), The Knights discovered what it is they were guarding & realised the significance of this information: the practices and magic that they had at their fingertips. They stole it and began practicing. They moved completely away from religion and God, and immersed themselves under the power and influence of Iblees (Shaytaan). Due to the nature of their rituals, they quickly became the most powerful and wealthiest people in the land. (Recent interviews with members of the occult confirms that Satan rewards his followers with masses of wealth and material gain in this world, provided they do whatever he wants them to ie: spreading corruption, ungodliness and destruction on earth. Interviewees also said that Satan assures them, via his high priests and priestesses, that he is the real God – And that he is just misunderstood!). Subsequently over the ages, the manuscripts were smuggled into Europe, and the Knights Templars took on the name “Free Masons” – With this new found power, they quickly spread this knowledge across the world, in the forms of secret societies – ALL WITH A COMMON GOAL: To serve their “God” Satan, and to prepare for the arrival of the one-eyed Dajjal, who is Satans representative on earth. Their symbol is a pyramid topped by an “all-seeing” ONE eye! Please note that the ancient Egyptians also had the all-seeing one eye which they called the Eye of Ra, and the Eye of Osiris. Remember that the dark arts were learnt from the pagans of ancient Egypt. You draw the parallels!! Take a look at the back of the US Dollar bill – the all seeing one eye is there! America is the worlds first Masonic state. ______________________________________________________ So if the masons have got this “secret treasure” already - WHY all the focus on destroying Masjid Al-Aqsa? Well, simply put, they are preparing for the arrival of their deity “DAJJAL” !! WHAT ISLAM AND OUR PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) WARNED US ABOUT: * Well, in Islam we know the Dajjal is the false messiah who will imitate the true messiah in every way. The true Messiah, Isa/Jesus (Peace be upon Him) will come back to rule the world from JERUSALEM. So that’s where the Dajjal will be arriving: THE HOLY LAND, JERUSALEM. He comes back to his home. * Prophet Muhammad told us that the Dajjal was released into the world during his lifetime. Thus he has been on this planet since the time of Prophet Muhammad. We were informed that Dajjal will live on earth for 40 days (one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week, and the rest like normal days. Remember 1 heavenly year is equal to a 1000 human years. You do the math). This proves that he is a powerful Jinn, as jinn can live for thousands of years. * All prophets of Allah warned their people about the false messiah. * Our Prophet Muhammad informed us with a description of Dajjal and warned us to know that Allah is not “ONE-EYED” (imprefect). Dajjal will also have the word Kaffir/Kuffar written on his forehead. Prophet Muhammad also warned, that any Muslim upon hearing of the Dajjals “arrival” should turn his back and walk away from Dajjal, not look in his direction, or walk in his direction. Don’t be curious as Prophet Muhammad warned that even the strongest in Iman amongst us would be tested and could easily fall prey to Dajjal, as Dajjal is the Master of Deception. ************************************************************************************ + Hadrat Isa AS (Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary) + The True Messiah. + Prophet of Allah. + Comes to restore faith and peace. + Will never claim to be God. + Is to rule from Jerusalem. + Is human. + Will have two seeing eyes. + Is not yet on earth. Arrival is preceeded by Imam Mohammed Mahdi. + Is a being. + Will not perform miracles when he returns. + Will descend from Jannah, at the time of Fajr solat, at the eastern minaret at a masjid in Syria. His hands would be resting on the shoulders of two Angels. Beads of fragrant perspiration gleaming like pearls will drop from his forehead. + Will travel to Jerusalem with Imam Mahdi. + Will kill the Dajjal and restore faith to the world. - Dajjal the Deceiver - The False Messiah/ Anti Christ. - Rrepresentative of Iblees (Shaytaan). - Comes to deceive and spread corruption. - Will say he is the Messiah, then say he is God. - Will rule from Jerusalem. - Is of jinn origin but will appear as a human being. - Will have ONE SEEING EYE, the other is closed and bulging. - Is already on earth. Arrived during the lifetime of Rasululah (SAW). Physical recognition of him will be preceeded by the fall of Masjid Al-Aqsa. Only then will people recognise him and his true identity. - Is both a being and a consciousness. - Will perform miracles in order to deceive people. - Will have the word Kufar/Kafir/Kafr on his forehead. Whichever way it is spelt, the pronunciation is the same, and denotes “disbeliever”. All Muslims will recognise the word irrespective whether they are literate or not. - Will, and has, travelled around the world. Cannot enter Makkah & Madina. Angels guarding the holy cities will prevent him from entering. Will return to settle in Jerusalem once the Zionist temple is resurrected. - Will dissolve like salt upon seeing Jesus (Isa (Alaihissalaam). ************************************************************************************* The Zionists refer to the **land between the Nile and the Euphrates** as “their promised land.” Dajjal is their king, and in keeping with their occult belief, they have to resurrect the ORIGINAL TEMPLE for him to take his throne. Archeological and historical evidence proves the ruins of the original temple of Zion is UNDERNEATH the temple of Solomon!!! Meaning Solomon (Sulayman (Alaihissalaam) knew how evil this magic is, that he built his MASJID OVER THE ZIONIST TEMPLE. Simply because people praying in that Mosque, worshipping one true God is strong enough to override any evil that happened there. THIS IS WHY THE ZIONISTS WANT TO DESTROY MASJID AL-AQSA! THEY NEED TO RESURRECT THE TEMPLE BENEATH!! Its common sense, logic! The Dajal is inherently evil – so he will not be able to enter any holy place. The only place he can enter and rule from, is a temple in-keeping with his evil nature. · This also explains why the US Govt is so buddy-buddy with Israel. They have a common goal, and common belief. They work for a force far greater, and far more evil and deceptive than you and I could ever comprehend. This is why their foreign policy is pro-Israel. This is why they allow Palestine to be attacked over and over again. They need to destroy Masjid Al-Aqsa. And this is why they portray Arabs & Muslims to all be terrorists. They want to turn the world against us in hatred, because the fact is, **the people who will continue to defend Masjid Al-Aqsa** are ARABS! MUSLIMS! Muslims understand the significance of Masjid Al-Aqsa, because it is the first Qibla Of ISlam. Therefore the Muslim people of that land is their *greatest resistance*. And these disciples of Dajjal know that. Islam tells us that *one of the final signs before the arrival of the Dajjal*, and the heralding of the end of times, is THE FALL OF MASJID AL-AQSA!! And its HAPPENING AS YOU READ THIS!! May Allah protect us all from the evil of Dajjal and the followers of Satan. May the light of Islam shine brighter than ever. Ameen! WARN EVERYONE YOU KNOW!! Worldwide evidence from natural phenomena, to top illuminati artists overtly displaying their satanic affiliations, to the cracks in the pillars of Masjid Al-Aqsa, shows that end is near. Allahu Akbar! Earthquakes, tsunamis, violent storms, raging fires etc (its like nature is even rebelling against these evil people). Yet, even so, they are blind to the signs of Allah. ***RECITATION OF SURAH KAHF EVERYDAY / EVERY FRIDAY BEFORE JUMUAH PRAYER PROTECTS AGAINST THE DECEPTION OF DAJJAL.*** ___________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THE LINK BELOW TO SEE THE PICTURES TAKEN AS EVIDENCE AND FOR A MUCH DETAILED EXPLANATION!! excerpt taken from: prisonerofjoy.blogspot.nl/2010/05/masjid-al-aqsa-sinister-plans-exposed.html?m=1
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 08:38:04 +0000

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