IT WORKED FOR STEPHEN What a happy outcome; remember Stephen - TopicsExpress


IT WORKED FOR STEPHEN What a happy outcome; remember Stephen Laidler, the Wanganui solo dad who lost his job recently and was out parading a sign looking for employment earlier this week? Well Stephen, 39, has had three firm offers of employment and will decide which one to accept over the weekend. Whats more if he chooses the one hes keen on he will get a small lift on what he was paid in his previous job. One company wanted me to start yesterday, he said. The support Ive had has been overwhelming. Ive had messages from Australia, the US and even someone in the Middle East. It must be the power of social media. Stephen encourages others to follow his lead if they are desperately looking for work. Have the courage. Im glad I did, he said.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:12:17 +0000

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