ITHAA (إذا)ALSO COMES TO MEAN A LARGE QUANTITY Another unique thing about Ithaa and In over here. إِذَا دَعَانِ The usage of Ithaa is to show that not only will Du’aa be eminently accepted for sure, but there needs to be lots of Du’aa and all your Du’aa will be accepted. Why? Because Ithaa comes to mean a large quantity. - Ithaa also has preference over In, in that it is used for a large quantity. Look at that in the Qur’an. When Allah talks about Wudhu, He says: ...إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلَى الصَّلَاةِ فَاغْسِلُوا وُجُوهَكُم... al-Maedah:6 And then He says: وَإِن كُنتُمْ جُنُبًا... al-Maedah:6 When Allah talks about Wudhu, Wudhu is something you do a lot and it is frequent. You might have to do it five or maybe ten times a day. It is Ithaa when it is talking about Wudhu. When He talks about the major impurity (Junub), He uses In. Why? Because the major impurity is less in quantity than you doing Wudhu. You see that? You are likely to do Wudhu five or ten times a day (maybe more), but taking a bath from Janaabah (the major impurity) is much less than that. Both In and Ithaa mean if, but the Balaaghah gives you deep, sensitive, specific details that strengthen your Imaan and your faith that Allah will answer you. The bottom line and a one liner about Ithaa and In, they can be used interchangeably nearly most of the time, which mean if or might. - However, if it is more certain to happen or it is certain to happen, it is more eloquent to use Ithaa. That is the first difference. A second difference is if it is a lot, Ithaa has preference over In. Here, number one, certainty that your Du’aa will be answered. And number two, a large quantity of Du’aa must go up to Allah and a large quantity of answers will come down to you. All that in Ithaa. ALLAH RESPONDS TO THE INVOCATION OF THE SUPPLICANT More lessons in that simple verse on Du’aa. He said: أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ He did not say: أُجِيبُ الدَّاعِ He said I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls Me. The invocation of the supplicant, I answer the invocation. Why did He not say I respond to the supplicant? He said He will respond to the supplication, but He did not say I will respond to the supplicant. Why did He not just say I will respond and answer the supplicant? He said I will answer the Du’aa of the supplicant, because it does not matter who is invoking. Do not minimise yourself and say Allah will not answer me. It could be Muhammad, Saalih, Abdullah or Naasir, we are all equal in the eyes of Allah. It is the Du’aa that matters. It is the invocation itself that matters, it does not matter who is making it. Fulfill the conditions of Du’aa, it does not matter who is making it. No one is better than anyone, that is why it is like that. The Du’aa goes to Allah the same. Fulfill the conditions and that is what you need to do. IBAADEE REFERS TO A LARGE QUANTITY OF SERVANTS He said: عِبَادِي He did not say: عِبَاد He said Ibaadee with a Yaa at the end, and it is different than Ibaadi with a Kasrah at the end. - Look in the Qur’an, it is a Yaa at the end and not a Kasrah. Here He used the one with a Yaa (Ibaadee) which means plural and so many, meaning I answer them all, no matter how many there are. That is why in the context of a lot (in the Balaaghah), you will find that Yaa comes at the end when there is a lot and it means a lot. - For example, when Allah is speaking to all His servants: قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا az-Zumarah:53 There is a Yaa. وَقُل لِّعِبَادِي يَقُولُوا... al-Israe:53 There is a Yaa because these two verses are talking about a large quantity of servants (all the servants). That is why th majority ere is a Yaa at the end, when there is an overwhelming . If it is not many that is meant by the verse, you are going to find a Kasrah and not a Yaa. When Allah was directing the servants, it is all the servants so He used the Yaa because it is all of them. Now who is the righteous? فَبَشِّرْ عِبَادِ zumar:17 Glory to my righteous servants. Glad tidings to those who hear and follow. Who follows, a lot or a little? A little bit, so is there going to be a Yaa or a Kasrah? Kasrah. Look at it in the Qur’an. Another verse. Are the Muttaqeen a lot or a little? Not many, so it is going to be a Kasrah. In shaa ALLAH our next stop will be: HE USED INNEE TO ADD EXTREME EMPHASIS
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 04:45:17 +0000

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