ITICS AND SOCIETYECONOMYCULTURE & LIFESTYLESCIENCEEDUCATION AND CAREERVISIT GERMANYELECTIONS TO THE BUNDESTAG IN 2013ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE? TOPICS OF THE DAY RUSSIA German media: Builders in Sochi exploit Many workers of Olympic facilities in Sochi fully or partially not been paid their wages. It found the staff of the German TV channel ARD and WDR in the journalistic investigation. Construction of the stadium in Sochi Construction of the stadium in Sochi Workers involved in the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi, were exploited by the contractors pass the German media. According to TV channels ARD and WDR, many construction workers salary was paid only partially or not been paid at all. This information was confirmed on inquiry ARD and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the agency SID. Labor, 90 percent of all workers at the Olympic sites in Sochi, has not been paid at all or only partially been rewarded. Essentially, the Sochi Olympics became possible only thanks to them, but the money for it, they have not received, - said the representative of the human rights center Memorial Semyon Simonov television magazine Sportschau, broadcast by ARD on Sunday, January 26. They did not issue documents for work, and upon completion of construction, many of them were forcibly expelled from the country, - said the human rights activist. CONTEXT Olympics in Sochi for the settlers: good and evil How to solve the problem in Sochi resettlement of people from the Olympic facilities? (01/20/2014) Putin denies the existence of large-scale corruption in Sochi Producer of the film about corruption in Sochi: Not everything can be bought According to SID, approximately half of the 100,000 construction workers employed at Olympic sites in Sochi - the citizens of the countries of Central Asia. Many migrant workers blamed the incident on the state corporation Olimpstroj, coordinating the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. When we wanted to get the money, our boss said Olimpstroj not paid. Therefore, he can not pay - lead agency SID A Tajik worker. As Olimpstroj and the Olympics organizing committee German journalists refused comment on the situation, says the agency. Criticism from the EU The International Olympic Committee at the request of journalists reported that 13 companies have already repaid wage arrears in the amount of nearly 6 million euros. However, when and how payments were made guest workers, most of whom were not registered and do not have a bank account, to the IOC could not answer. According to the Chairman of the Committee for Human Rights in the European Parliament Lohbiler Barbara (Barbara Lochbihler), leadership of the International Olympic Committee has long had to respond to the situation. Now it is imperative that the IOC, the Russian government and private enterprise to take responsibility for what happened, - said the MEP. Olympic Sochi residents concerns (11.01.2014) AUDIOS AND VIDEOS ON THE TOPIC Olympic Sochi residents concerns (11.01.2014) Date 27/01/2014 Author Evgeny Zhukov Editor Julia Setkova Share Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Other ... Feedback : How to react to reports of IOC exploitation of wage labor at the Olympic venues? Print Print this page Permalink ALSO ON THE TOPIC Judge: Any sport is subject to doping 01/27/2014 At the Olympics in Sochi scheduled a record number of anti-doping tests. But how effective are they? This DW questioned Professor Mainz University Pericles Simon. Chapter IOC Bach criticizes politicians for failing to come to Sochi 27.01.2014 According to the president of the IOC, their dissatisfaction with the situation in the Russian politicians should communicate in a direct dialogue, and not express it to the detriment of competitors. German Olympic Committee received a letter with the threat of terrorist attacks 22.01.2014 Letter with threats of terrorist attacks received the Olympic Committee of Germany and several other European countries. International Olympic Committee and Russia, however, does not believe these threats serious. ALSO ON THE TOPIC Soviet soldiers in the besieged Leningrad President Putin of Germany wrote in connection with the 70th anniversary of the siege of Leningrad 01/27/2014 Joachim Gauck noted that it might think about the war against Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, only with a deep sense of sorrow and shame. Sergei Magnitsky Magnitskys mother demands to stop the persecution of her sons posthumous 27/01/2014 At the termination of the criminal case against Sergei Magnitsky of legalization of stolen 5.4 billion rubles insists his mother. In its statement stressed that this case is based on a non-existent crime event. Policemen in Sochi Moscow is pleased to work with the U.S. on Sochi 26.01.2014 According to Russias ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak, Moscow and Washington good enough cooperate in connection with the 2014 Olympics. Diplomat argues that to work together no differences do not affect. Date 27/01/2014 Author Evgeny Zhukov Editor Julia Setkova Share Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Other ... Your opinion Print Print this page Permalink SHORT Moscow is pleased to work with the U.S. on Sochi Zaporizhia troops dispersed the protesters at the administration ANALYTICS Judge: Any sport is subject to doping Comment: The hypocritical offer Yanukovych PRESS Frankfurter Rundschau: EU and Russia should together to resolve the conflict in Kiev Media: Wave of protest disappointments Missile defense system in Europe Infographics REGIONS Russia Europe Germany Central Asia Belarus Ukraine iPod WIN IPOD! 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Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:16:43 +0000

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