ITS A GOD THING! Weird things happen to us, weird unexplainable - TopicsExpress


ITS A GOD THING! Weird things happen to us, weird unexplainable things....Oh, its not daily or even weekly, but a few times a year...Its like pieces of a puzzle start dropping from the sky right in our path...Of course, we dont know its happening until we get to the end, connect the dots, re-evaluate and say, WOW!, What was that? Well, its happened again.... Although we only played a minute part, one of us was very involved, it was called to my attention, so I must share this...Go get your coffee, go to the bathroom & come back...Its gonna be a long one; like a short book!!! Beware...... (Puzzle piece #2)~~Friday, Dec. 12 is where it began for us...We (HAART) have a volunteer from Okemah... She needed to run to Cromwell for a few errands on this morning...No big deal except she had to use the exit onto I-40 (Mile marker 221) to leave & come back home... (Puzzle Piece #3)~~Later, when she arrived back home, as she was walking in the door, the phone was ringing...She stopped & answered...The voice on the other end belonged to a man that she did not know...He began explaining why he was calling... Heres what he told her: Hello, my name is Tommy, Im from Missouri...I have a dear friend that had a serious accident... (Puzzle Piece #1,Yes, #1)~~Heres how it continued: Late Tuesday night, early Wednesday morning, Dec.10th, a young woman (CHRISTINE) from California, was driving East on I-40, heading for Arkansas to visit friends & relatives for the holidays...Around 2:00 am, she must have fallen asleep, wrecked at Hwy Marker 221, near the Okemah exit, rolled the car 3 times, totaled the vehicle (Photos 1 & 2) & landed upside down in the ditch by the shoulder...No one saw it happen!!! When she realized she was trapped, she started honking her horn & flashing her lights until someone noticed, which they did! Emergency responders came...The first person on scene asked, Maam, were you alone? She said, NO, I am not....My dog is with me, do you see her anywhere? Will you look for her, please? I must find her! Now, this womans dog is a service dog in training...A beautiful, Blk/White Border Collie Puppy named, PATIENCE...She is trained to come at ALL times, even if she is in the middle of eating! As her mom continued to to give the command, she never came & was no where to be found! :( Her momma feared the worst; that she was trapped beneath the car!!! CHRISTINE was rushed to the hospital...Everyone she could get to listen, she asked the same thing, Will you help me find my dog? When the wrecker service removed the car, there was NO dog to be found! CHRISTINE was released from the Hospital, friends/family came and got her and off to Arkansas they traveled with NO dog!! (Puzzle piece #4)~~Now, back to the phone conversation: Cindy (Our volunteer) asked Tommy (Christines friend from Missouri) how he got her phone #? He said he called City Hall, spoke to a very nice lady that said, I have the number of the biggest dog lover in town and gave it to him...Thus, he called...... (Puzzle Piece #5)~~Then it happened...Cindy remembered seeing something while she was out that morning...She wasnt sure what, but she remembered something that wasnt right when she used the exit from the interstate...She told Tommy, she had to go...She was going back to Mile marker 221, she would call him back! Cindy did go back, straight to the spot, she looked everywhere, she found NOTHING! Disappointed, she went home to call Tommy... Well, it wasnt long...Cindy could not stand it, she got in her truck & decided once again, to go look.... She went back to the Okemah exit where she thought she had seen something earlier.... (Puzzle Piece #6)~~AND THERE IT WAS!!! Just sitting...Out in a field, off the side of the road...Cindy laid eyes on PATIENCE!!!! Was her timing just perfect OR was this dog placed there on purpose at this moment? (Puzzle Piece #7)~~As Cindy approached, PATIENCE did not move...She was tired, cold & hungry...After all, she had been there for almost 3 days...GUESS WHAT she was sitting on?? A SCARF!!! A scarf that belonged to her mom...A red/white/blue, stars & stripes, grand ole flag SCARF had fallen out of the car during the wreck, blown far enough over in a field for the puppy to be safe in the field & NOT on the side of the road of this major interstate, where the wreck originally took place! Hum???? Cindy picked her right up, grabbed the scarf, put both in her truck and headed home to call Tommy..... (Puzzle Piece #8)~~No sooner did she get home, the phone was ringing again...This time, its a woman in Arkansas, from California, literally begging Cindy to go look for her missing dog! A puppy named, PATIENCE! Cindy listened for a moment, stopped the woman on the phone and says, I dont have to go look; your baby is sitting right here in my lap!!!! Well, YOU can imagine the reaction......Im told there was bawling & squalling, couldnt talk through the tears, praises & Thank yous, over & over.....Added somewhere was: Can you take care of her for me till I can come back? Ill come tomorrow (Saturday), Ill buy a car tomorrow morning, Ill make the 3 1/2 hour drive, Ill be there, Can she stay & spend the night? Cindy replies, Of course she can! (Photo #3, the sleepover at Cindys house; PATIENCE laying on Cindys bed). Now, lets think about this: We have a woman from California heading for Arkansas, has a wreck (And survives) in Okemah, loses her dog, has a friend in Missouri, that calls a lady at City hall, that gives him the correct number to the only person on the planet that can help her, who had to run errands in Cromwell Friday morning & also a animal lover and HAART volunteer, who finds the dog (uninjured) and gets to tell the momma who now is car less in Arkansas!!!! Really??? This is incredible Stuff!!! I kid you not; I couldnt make this stuff up!!! (Puzzle piece #9) CHRISTINE DID COME BACK!!! She came Saturday, just as she promised she would, to pick up her beloved dog, PATIENCE...It was dark again, they met at a convenience store named, Valeros Station, in Okemah....The rest needs No WORDS!! (Photo #4, The Reunion)....The 4th photo says it all...Look close; the SCARF.....The scarf that kept PATIENCE safe & where she should be, is right there in the photo....There it is!!!! (Again, Photo #4)......Isnt this a wonderful pic??? Such a tight embracement... You cant really tell where mom begins or dog ends.....Honestly, isnt that how it should be???? :) Ive included 2 other photos (#5 & #6) that were also taken at this service station, of this ecstastic momma & puppy, so happy to see each other! Such an incredible blessing & we got to be a Tiny part!!! Ive been over this and over this and over this, for many days now....Ive come to the conclusion that although very weird, this time there is ONLY ONE explanation......To this, I have NO DOUBT.... ITS A GOD THING! (And Im Loving it!!) ;) HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL..........PLEASE SHARE.....Whew, Im tired!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:48:53 +0000

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