“ITS ALL ABOUT.....” Once lived a very renowned scientist. He - TopicsExpress


“ITS ALL ABOUT.....” Once lived a very renowned scientist. He was famous around the world for his knowledge and its application. The fact that he was growing old and all his knowledge and experience would be lost with his death was concerning him. So he decided to share his wealth of knowledge and experience with 30 best students of the world who would not only carry it to the next generation but would also enhance and polish it with their capabilities, passion and hard work. As the word of his desire spread around, number of students from every corner came to get trained under his guidance. Of them, after evaluating each ones capability and capacity to sink in his ocean of knowledge, the scientist selected 30 for his noble cause. On the first day of their training, the scientist informed that each day he would train them for just 2 hours. Remaining 22 hours they would be free to do whatever they desired. The students immediately responded saying that they would require maximum 14 hours daily for their personal stuff. For remaining 10 hours they would be completely free hence the scientist could easily include more hours of training in their daily schedule. To this the scientist said “Learning is not just about hearing but is more about practice. If you actually desire to learn you have to practice what I teach. So spend those hours practicing”. The scientist sounded very illogical because for just 2 hours of teaching 8 hours of practice seemed to be excessive. But left with no option they all agreed. Scientist started his training. Each day he would impart for 2 hours and would leave. The students would than proceed with implementation and practice. Since all students were passionate about learning, they would practice with their full hearts in. As days passed by, 8 hours seemed to be insufficient because the deeper they went into their work of practice, the more they realized that there was much more to learn beyond what the scientist actually taught them. The deeper they went into their research the more it caught their interest. Hence they willingly and without feeling stressed, started spending more hours on research by cutting down on their personal time. Months passed by, the scientist used to teach for 2 hours and the students would spend 12 – 13 hours practicing and implementing it. Both students and scientist were happy and content. One day the scientist suddenly realized that for months he had been teaching his students and they were also performing very well but he had not yet checked whether his students were just taking in the lessons he was imparting or were they actually critically analyzing it because if they were not doing so their learning would never fetch the desired results. To test this, in his next session he went with some sought of batter in a bowl and asked his students to prepare something unique out it by applying whatever they had learnt so far. All agreed and were about to get on with their work when the scientist interrupted and said that to get better results it would be his suggestion that the students should first taste it to understand its nature and component because this information would help them plan better about what could be prepared out of it. But he also warned saying that ….. ..To be cont’d 2nd part of the story to be shared tomorrow
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 07:59:42 +0000

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