ITS ALL HERE AND WHAT TO DO, CREDIT TO SCOTT ROBERTS An Executive Order has absolutely NO power of law- NONE. The Executive Order is a fancy name for an Intra-office directive for the Executive Branch, and has NO AUTHORITY outside that very restricted venue. Mr. Obama likes to bandy the term about as if he has some magical and dictatorial power- which he does NOT. The separation of powers between the three branches of the US government is VERY clearly defined within the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the PROTECTION from tyranny for the American people- so no one man, or group, could hijack the system by taking over one branch, and clearly delineating where the boundaries are. Mr. Obama is ATTEMPTING to REMOVE these protections- and ANYONE who supports this is seriously jeopardizing the very Freedoms we enjoy. It is time Mr. Obama STOP attempting to destroy this nation- this is clearly his goal: NOT getting more jobs(he has had 5 years to do so so far, and not done a thing),, NOT enforcing the laws of this nation(his nonfeasance towards his duty to protect the border is preventing American jobs from increasing by diluting further the employment pool with illegal aliens) and many other failures and problems which the intelligence world refers to as indicators- taken separately, they are relatively minor issues- taken TOGETHER, they indicate a pattern of intensive disruption & failure to act, as well as oriented towards a specific goal. Look at all the evidence- and for Gods sake stop crying about tin-hats and conspiracy theories. Remember- behind every theory there is a FACT- and these facts are starting to add up. And what they add up to is a cabal- an intentional dissolution of the American society, a disarmament of those able to defend the Constitution, as well as a REMOVAL of the Constitution itself. This removal could enable the dissolution of Congress, and a declaration of martial law resulting in suspension of our rights and life as we know it. Cant happen you say? Never happen here? With enough co-conspirators, it most certainly can and will. Adolph Hitler spent years setting up this very scenario in Germany. He got himself elected Chancellor of Germany, under President Hindenberg, whom he sidelined & removed. The Reichstag(German Congress) was burned, Hitler declared Martial Law & declared himself Fuhrer, and the rest is history. How did this happen? Too many people believed in his version of Hope & Change, and were carried away by his speechmaking- using hand gestures and body language, speaking as though to an equal, Hitler convinced the German people HE was their salvation, their Savior from a terrible economic depression. Yet many remained unconvinced & tried to warn people, but were long ignored. They were discounted, ridiculed, and laughed at. Hitler blamed the Jews for all of Germanys problems. Obama blames the rich(although his net worth has increased many fold, and he is one of the richest politicians in America- all on a $400k salary annually). Hitler sent Jews and many others to death camp- and used them as slave labor to build his war machine. He created disunity between the peoples of Germany & Europe, and created a world war... Where is Obama going with his destruction of America- aided and abetted by many American politicians & entertainers whom he has either convinced to aid him, or fooled into believing in his cover story... People need to look farther into this man Obama than just assuming everyone that questions him is racist simply because of his skin color. As they have long said- You cant judge a book by its cover: Nor can you judge a politician by his shade of skin. Because what he is hiding is horrifying. (Please feel free to copy & post anywhere & everywhere. Just be sure to include my name so the NSA spells it correctly.)
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:54:57 +0000

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