ITS NOT YET OVER; DREAM ON! God had a great plan for a man and - TopicsExpress


ITS NOT YET OVER; DREAM ON! God had a great plan for a man and revealed it to him. This man, out of joy, told his brothers. They envied him, hated him for that, sold him into slavery; but in the midst of all these challenges, he still held on to his dreams. He believed and trusted God that soon, Gods plan for his life will become a reality. Though, didnt know when& how that was going to happen; but he did his part, by being faithful, diligent and above all lived a righteous and holy life even in a strange land! God later elevated Joseph beyond measure; took him from the prison to the palace!!! No matter the challenges/circumstances that surrounds you, as a child of God, do not give up! Your dreams may seem too big for you; hold on to it. Keep dreaming, never relent. The height youll get to in life is not premised on your family background but on your determination to succeed and you staying connected to God. You might have made some mistakes in the past and might not be able to erase that, but you can reposition yourself for a great future. Never settle for anything less than the best that God has promised you. Theres room for you at the top! God has a purpose for you and He has made sufficient provision for all you need to fulfil your dreams. Focus on how Big your God is and not how big the problems around you are. My dear brothers/sisters, lets not also forget that though God has given us a lot of promises, but they are attached to a condition! Isaiah 1:18 says: IF YE BE WILLING and OBEDIENT, ye shall eat the good of the land. The former part of that verse is the condition attached to that promise. This tells us that Gods promises are not for disobedient children or sinners. The childrens bread are not for dogs. We have our parts to play! Lets do our part by living a righteous life which attracts Gods blessings. Also, lets avoid laziness, procrastination; lets SAVE TIME! Lets do the right things at the right time. IMPROVE yourself everyday, Choose to be a success. DISTINGUISH yourself with godly character& excellence. Stop SLEEPING too much, make those sacrifices now, then youll have enough time for sleep later. Above all, let God disciple you and stamp His image on you. Beloved, you dont need everyone to believe in your dreams, as long as the Master of the Universe is involved, thats enough and that settles it! As we go this week, lets know that its not yet over and God will never leave us, but will walk the roughest road with us until He brings us to our glorious end! Beloved, Dream ON; do your part and see God do His part! Success and victory is ours in Jesus name-Amen. Edumaths Cares but GOD CARES MORE!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 09:28:19 +0000

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