ITS OFF OF ME NOW The Word Of God Says I Charge Thee, In Order - TopicsExpress


ITS OFF OF ME NOW The Word Of God Says I Charge Thee, In Order For That To Sit And Settle, One Truly Must Be About The Fathers Business. THIS is such an indictment against humanity . Deity has now delegated authority to one that has been Chosen. YES OUT OF THE muck the Mira . JEHOVAH the right has stepped out of his room of grace and have came to descend into hell, AND did on the third day RESURRECTED and gave gifts on to men. MAN has been chosen by God to preach the word in season and out of season preach it when they want to hear it and when they dont want to hear it. Doing that , man or woman of God is truly about his fathers business,. its not about emotions its nothing personal its all spiritual. Not your will , not my will , but the masters will. Remember we as men and women of the cloth have a charge to keep and a God to Glorify. . One might say reverent preacher man could you please break it down for me, do you have Bible for this. YES I do, and Im glad you asked for I am happy to show you in the book of Romans 13 verse 4 and it read as this for he is the Minister of God too Thee for good. but if they do that which is evil be afraid for He bareth not the sword in vain for he is the Minister of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Its a very delicate and touchy situation when one is left to remain in the seat of the scornful. Yes you must deal with your siblings as a child of God with extreme care. how can you tell the good news without telling the bad news. Reason being because the Bible tells us and the book of st. John it tells us about the Grace yes one love to expose the speak about the power and grace but then yet dont leave out the concluding element of that scripture that of a concluding major factor. WHICH IS THE TRUTH, AND WHEN THE TRUTH IS TOLD YOU HAVE NOW DECLARE HOLY WAR AMONGST THE SAINT, NOW THEY WANT RAISE HAVICK AGAINST THE MAN OF GOD BECAUSE HE IS TRYING TO DO A TRANSITITIONAL TWIST FROM TRADITION TO REALITY. In other words come to the meeting the drawing board the table the chief conclusion with the final authoritative figure hearing the voice of God written with the fingertips of Jesus as his blood drips off his fingertips and is left resonated on the pages of the Bible. Men and women of God please do not be timidated by the congregation. weak CONGREGATIONS didnt have anything to do with delegation Jesus Christ is the authoritative FIGURE in your position . Yes you are a replica , yes you have a man or woman of God. YOU ARE standing in his STEAD . YOU ARE representing his heaven when he sits on the throne .W.W.J.D what would Jesus Christ do in any given situation .When deity must deal with humanity you are God spokesman. Speak cry out loud. LIFT UP THY voice like a TRUMPET , And show my people their sins And the house of Jacob THERE transgression. Preach man , AND FEAR NOT. Heres the secret , men and women of the golden text when you flip open the pages of the Royal transcript of Gods voice read it apply it , let it sit .Let it settle let it take ROOT Let it grind a WAY at your very soul when you do this you will feel and receive the delegation of Jesus Christ with the attitude I must be about my fathers business. Doing so hope you will respond to God with the attitude I came here to your house To praise The Lord . regardless of the number of the CONGREGATION. church I came to serve the number 1 and thats you Jehovah Jireh. church Leaders when you develop that mentality God will reward you. bless you before your enemies remember no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. THE Prophet JOB picks it up like this in Gods Holy Word , HE says these very words right here he said God will disappoinT, The Devices of the wicked so that there hands cannot perform their enterprise. GOD GOT YOUR BACK THE BATTLES IS NOT YOURS , SO LEADERS STAND AND DONT LET THE OLD STOGIES FROGGIES TO REMOVE YOU WITH THERE territorial threats of removing you from out of your place. God put you in the seat of the scornful sit there reside there until God removes you out of your position. Man of God you are hired by God only God can fire you . Remember the truth hurts the Bible says bitter are the sweet words of a friend , and the kisses of an enemy is deceitful . Watch as well as pray . BE encouraged you leaders you that bare the word of God , YES THE SWORD, BARE IT NOT in vain.YES SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO REBUKE OPENLY ,AND SHARPLY. . PREACH the word in season out of season , be ENCourage. God Bless You , God loves you , and so do I .MISSION TO PREACH . be about your fathers business. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:56:15 +0000

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