ITS OK TO WEAR OUT, BUT DONT BURN OUT! And let us not be weary - TopicsExpress


ITS OK TO WEAR OUT, BUT DONT BURN OUT! And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not., Gal 6:9 There is a difference between getting tired physically, and getting tired mentally. Physical exhaustion can readily be remedied with rest, sleep, food, and water. Mental exhaustion results from planting negative seeds in the mind, and having those seeds come to harvest, i.e. reap what you sew, Gal 6:7. IT IS A VERY DANGEROUS COMBINATION TO BE BOTH PHSICALLY AND MENTALLY EXHAUSTED! I am forever grateful to the Lord, who has opened my eyes over the past ten years and given me the understanding towards handling mental challenges. Now and historically, the people of God have been faced with weariness on both sides of the spectrum, often confusing one for the other. Elijah fled for his life from Jezebel after witnessing the killing of many of the Lords prophets. He ran a days journey then when into a physical and mental state of exhaustion whereby he asked the Lord, ....It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life..., 1Kings 19:4. Elijah was both mentally and physically exhausted! Friends, when we become tired, weary, or exhausted, it may not be clear to us whether its physical or mental. We should approach the situation the way the Lord handled Elijahs condition. HE HANDLED HIS PHYSICAL NEEDS FIRST! And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat., 1Kings 19:5. We as Christians must not ignore the immediate emergent needs of our physical bodies! The evidence that Elijah was strengthened physically, And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God., 1 Kings 19:8. Yet, later we find HE HID HIMSELF IN A CAVE because he felt Israel was going to kill him and they had turned their backs against God! Proof that he was suffering from Mental Exhaustion. The Lord had to ask him What are you doing here, Elijah?, 1Kings 19:13. Elijahs mental situation left him thinking that he was the only servant of God left. The Lord, however told him, ... I have seven thousand in Israel, whos knees have not bowed to Baal, 1Kings 19:18. Mental exhaustion will guide us to a place where the Lord will have to ask us, What in the world are you doing here?. The Lord immediately responded, ..... Go, return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus: and when thou comest, anoint Hazael to be king over Syria:, 1Kings, 19:15. Mental exhaustion is when our minds tell us weve had enough while the Lord still has work for us to do! Much to his surprise, Elijah still had many great things to do for the Lord! Our physical bodies are indeed wearing out but the Lord is able to keep our minds from burning out! And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus., Phil 4:7 Be Blessed!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:16:28 +0000

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