ITS POSTING TIME AGAIN LEST YOU FORGET! A REMINDER THAT NOTHING HAS CHANGED! CRIME CONTINUES TO BE IGNORED IN 2014 BY OUR TAXES PAID AUTHORITIES! WHAT ARE WE THE PEOPLE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? It seems nothing if these horrendous crimes attack an heiress or heir:>( The public, in general, believe What the hell does this have to do with me? Well a lot actually because if the banksters and our government are committing federal crimes as huge as they have to my trust and me, in all arrogance, can you imagine what THEY HAVE ALREADY DONE TO YOU and will continue to do? The fact is with crimes, such as has attacked my trust and myself, going on unaddressed you, who are working towards the so-called American dream, will NEVER ACHIEVE IT! Your assets will be stolen before you reach your goals or soon after. Why? Because no one of authority is doing anything about the crimes no matter how big or small they are! THINK ABOUT IT! Additionally there are no homeowners groups, of any kind, or other organizations set up to help the victims to these crimes for heiresses, or heirs, who have been thrown into the streets because of unaddressed federal crimes because the attitude is, You at least had the experience of having money once in your life, I havent ever so f#@$ you! They have no idea how what has happened to people like me concerns them directly! Why do you think so many banksters are dying at the moment? THINK ABOUT IT! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=423895087692472&set=a.389892754426039.90309.100002159544147&type=1&theater
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:11:09 +0000

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