ITS TIME MUSLIMS FOLLOWED THE TEACHING OF THE QURAN! JEWS WERE THERE FIRST THE HOLY QURAN (22:39-40) Permission is given (to fight) to those who have been fought against, because they are wronged and oppressed; and indeed, God is most able to give them victory; (they are) those who have been unjustly expelled from their homes without right, for no reason except that they say, Our Lord is God. the key words here : those who have been fought against (they are) those who have been unjustly expelled from their homes without right! Romans renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina and the Romans , Hadrian, renamed Judean lands Palaestina The Romans renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina and the Romans , Hadrian, renamed Judean lands Palaestina. Yet here we have Arabs who call themselves Palestinians after the Greek Sea Faring peoples, but they dont call Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina since the Romans used both names Palaestina and Aelia Capitolina in reference to the Jewish lands and their Jewish city and not the Arabs who have taken the name Romas used to describe the Jews. Since we know that the Romans renamed the lands from JUDEA/ JEW to Palaestina means that that the lands were always Jewish since if they were Palestinian lands there would have been no need for the Romans to Change the name to Palestine! In 70 ce the Roman general Titus captured the holy city of Judaism, Jerusalem. The temple was destroyed by fire and many Jews were taken captive; some of them had to build a canal in Seleucia, others were deported to Italy and forced to build the Colosseum in Rome. The fabulous treasure of the temple was also transported to the capital of the Roman empire, where it was used to solve the financial problems that had been caused by the fire of Rome 64 ce mismanagement by the emperor Nero, and the civil war of the year 69. The new emperor, Titus father Vespasian, badly needed all money he could get, including the temple treasure of Jerusalem. One of his financial measures was the creation of tax that had to be paid by those Jews who were still free: the fiscus Judaicus. In fact, this was not a completely novel tax: every Jewish man between 20 ce and 50 ce had paid a sum of two drachms -or eight sesterces- to the temple of Matthew17.24-27). Now, this tax flow was redirected to Rome, where it was spent at the reconstruction of the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus at the Capitol, which had been destroyed during the civil war. ONE CAN LOOK UP THE COIN OF VESPASIAN JUDEAN/ JEWISH COIN. CANT MAKE THIS UP- THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE ARE AN INVENTION SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO DENY JEWS THEIR ANCESTRAL HOMES OR MORE SPECIFICALLY SINCE THE HASHEMITE MONARCHY TOOK 77% - THE JEWS ONLY HAVE 23% OF THEIR ANCESTRAL HOMES! On 14 April 70 A.D. Titus surrounded Jerusalem. He allowed pilgrims to enter to celebrate Passover but this was a trap to put pressure on supplies of food and water; he refused to allow them to leave. On 10 May he began his assault on the walls. The third wall fell on 25 May. The second wall fell on 30 May. On 20 July Titus stormed the Temple Mount. On 4 August 70 A.D. Titus destroyed the Temple. The Jewish fast of Tisha BAv morns the Fall of Jerusalem annually on this date. https://youtube/watch?v=7585SotsXkY
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:19:32 +0000

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