ITS TIME TO STOP BEING AFRAID Ive struggled with fear all my - TopicsExpress


ITS TIME TO STOP BEING AFRAID Ive struggled with fear all my life. Im making progress these days because of believing some basic truths. I share them with with hope that youll embrace them and move further down the road in your journey with Christ. 1) Fear isn’t based on reality. It’s imagining something that isn’t based on facts. The vast majority of things we fear NEVER happen. The odds are solidly in your favor. In order for fear to be rational, two things have to be present: 1. A danger that is potent. 2. A danger that is real. Those situations are very rare. 2) It’s impossible to feel calm when you’re trying really, really hard to be calm. The secret to overcoming fear isn’t in trying, but releasing. Resting. Trusting. Letting go. 3) The best antidote to fear is to forget yourself altogether and look for ways to be a blessing to others. My wife does this every year at Christmas when she dons a funny costume and makes us laugh till we can’t catch our breath. She would never do that to promote herself in any way. She does it just because she loves her family and wants to bring us joy. It’s the willingness to forget herself and love others that makes her antics so very special...and bold! 4) Fear is rooted in shame. It’s believing a lie that you’re “not enough.” You are more than enough in Christ. (Philippians 4:13) 5) Fear is a tactic of Satan. It’s the result of listening to him instead of God. In the Garden, immediately after he listened to the lies of the enemy, Adam said, “I heard you (God) in the garden, and I was afraid. I hid myself, because I was naked.” We’ve been afraid of being exposed (vulnerable) ever since. 6) Fear will always try to keep you from reaching your full potential. That’s always its goal. You are complete in Christ. (Col. 2:10). Never tell yourself anything else. 7) The best thing to do with fear is to move ahead in spite of it. If you run from it, it will chase you all the way to your grave. Face your fears and trust God to see your through. 8) Receiving God’s constant, tender love will help you overcome fear. “Perfect love casts out fear” (I John 4:18). All He wants to do on a daily love you. Let Him. 9) Fear isn’t being nervous. Nervous is normal. Fear is a choice. Don’t confuse the two. Never beat yourself up emotionally because you feel nervous in any situation. 10) Perhaps the worst kind of fear is the fear of being afraid. It’s deeply rooted in insecurity. It’s also the hardest to overcome, but all things are possible in Christ. Be aware of the lies that you believe and replace them with the truth. Im praying that you will receive this truth in your spirit today, and chart a new course that will move you in the direction of victory over the fears that steal your joy, cripple your potential and hinder you from blessing others. Thats the deepest desire of my heart for you. Gods heart too. Its time to stop being afraid.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:57:42 +0000

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