ITVs reply to complaints regarding their disgraceful program on - TopicsExpress


ITVs reply to complaints regarding their disgraceful program on Romanian Strays. Starting a campaign against these idiots is on the cards! Dear Carol, Thank you for your e-mail and sharing your thoughts on our programme. The report focused on the issue of dogs in Bucharest. This has been a significant issue in Romania made more prominent since the death of Ionut Anghel. The report was made up of many elements: An account of the death of Ionut Anghel and interview with his family An examination of how the authorities reacted , in particular rounding up dogs deemed to be stray, impounding them and the policy of capture and kill. The reporter went out with ASPA and saw the dogs being rounded up An interview with Razvan Bancescu and a tour of a public dog pound The ongoing legal issues concerning the legality of the government actions Interview with representative of Four Paws who set out her concerns about the morality and legality of the policy, a tour of a Four Paws facility, and the alternate solution suggested by Four Paws We know that lots of viewers would have found scenes from the programme tough to watch, particularly the shots of the dogs being caught and caged, which we think indicated how the dogs are treated and the conditions they are kept in which is why the report was prefaced by a warning: Just as a warning this film contains scenes that some viewers could find distressing The report set out in a balanced and impartial manner the differing perspectives on the issues that arose. Clearly there were strongly held views on both sides and the viewer was made clear many people were very concerned about the actions of the government and about the treatment of the dogs. Anca Tomescu from Four Paws said in the report: We cannot talk about the euthanasia when we talk about thousands of stray dogs in the street. Euthanasia is medical act. Geraint: Euthanasia? Its not Euthanasia? A: No, its not Euthanasia, its murder, its a crime. When you talk about healthy stray dogs in the street, friendly stray dogs in the street, you cannot talk about euthanasia, this is a pure crime, pure murder. Our programme was thoroughly researched and the focal point was the authorities reaction to the death of Ionut Anghel and the rounding up and killing of the dogs. It was made clear animal charities and dog lovers categorically oppose this. We hope that by covering this issue we have raised awareness of the debate, and that many of our viewers will be moved to find out more about the situation and draw their own conclusions. Once again, thank you for your comments. Its very good to have as it helps inform editorial judgment and further decision making. The team have been aware of your concerns. Thanks again for getting in touch. Best wishes Delilah Jeary
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:45:19 +0000

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