‘IT’S TIME. RESIGN.’ Planes Fly Huge Anti-De Blasio Banners - TopicsExpress


‘IT’S TIME. RESIGN.’ Planes Fly Huge Anti-De Blasio Banners Past NYC Skyline - See more at: Two more anti-Bill de Blasio plane banners flew over the Hudson on Tuesday. “De Blasio. You Failed All NY’ers. It’s Time. Resign,” read one. Anti-Mayor Bill de Blasio plane banners fly over the Hudson Tuesday “New York Support The NYPD. Rest in Peace Dets Liu & Ramos,” said the other. Anti-Mayor Bill de Blasio plane banners fly over the Hudson Tuesday SPECIAL: Modern Day Patriots, this is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our forefathers in Lexington and Concord. We need the Tea Party now more than ever. The banners, according to a press statement by the group “Retired NYPD for a Safe New York,” are being flown past the city as part “of an organized campaign…to support the brave men and women protecting our streets, while protesting the glaring, dangerous disregard that Mayor de Blasio demonstrates toward the realities of public safety and those who protest our streets in particular.” “We’re speaking as retired police officers,” a retired NYPD captain told The Daily Caller. “I think the message speaks for itself.” While these banners are not connected to the anti de Blasio messages that were flown over the Hudson on December 26 and 31, the group’s statement says, the sentiment remains the same. “[The message] voices our displeasure with the de Blasio Administration while sounding an alarm over the doctrinaire, one sided policies that he and his supporters would use, perhaps inadvertently, to diminish the quality of public safety throughout New York City.” The statement, which calls for the mayor’s resignation, talks of “unrelenting attacks on the NYPD” as well as law enforcement all over the country by politicians, media, civilians and clergy. “These attacks started with the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri by Police Officer Darren Wilson and intensified after a Grand Jury in Staten Island declined to indict an NYC Police Officer in the death of Eric Garner,” the statement says, noting that while citizens have the right to demonstrate peacefully and lawfully, the protests have targeted law enforcement verbally and physically and prevented ambulances “from performing their duties.” “Mayor de Blasio empowered the protesters due to his glaring lack of support for an understanding of the NYPD and failing to appropriately condemn the protesters engaging in unlawful activities. As a result, he engendered a climate of lawlessness and permissiveness that endangered the police as well. A similar atmosphere contributed to the steady decline in NYC during the 1970’s and 1980’s.” The statement mentions NYPD detectives Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, both of whom were posthumously promoted after being gunned down in Brooklyn while sitting in their cruiser two weeks ago. NYPD officers publicly turn their backs three different times to Mayor de Blasio since the incident. The mayor has called officers who turned their backs on him “disrespectful” to the families of the slain officers. “Those individuals who took certain actions the last two weeks, they were disrespectful to the families involved. That’s the bottom line,” de Blasio said to reporters at police headquarters. “I can’t understand why anyone would do such a thing in the context like that.” dailycaller/2015/01/06/its-time-resign-retired-cops-fly-huge-anti-de-blasio-banners-past-nyc-skyline/ - See more at: teaparty.org/time-resign-planes-fly-huge-anti-de-blasio-banners-past-nyc-skyline-76029/#sthash.SuSNvAVf.dpuf teaparty.org/time-resign-planes-fly-huge-anti-de-blasio-banners-past-nyc-skyline-76029/
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 03:37:35 +0000

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