IT’s MARCH! And you’re still fresh and flourishing in the - TopicsExpress


IT’s MARCH! And you’re still fresh and flourishing in the word of God. Yayy!! Day 25 of #LA Psalms – Psalm 49-50 MEMORY VERSE for today : Psalms 50:15 NKJV Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” >DEVOTIONAL FOR TODAY! All that matters in the end is… ‘Those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice;’ Sacrifice defined as a noun is an ‘act of slaughter’ or surrender of a possession religiously. It’s meaning as a verb is to give up or to offer up something valued for another’s sake. Therefore your money in tithes? Money, bulls, fowls, fruits of the harvest whatever mankind has felt is a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving unto God is not what He desires. Your voluntary service in church? Who inspired the role? He made them all. According to Psalm 50:7-15, God doesn’t require all this. Yet, it’s amazing how we continuously find external objects to offer as sacrifice to God when the ultimate sacrifice is ourselves, our flesh. He wants you. Us! What stops us from fully surrendering to God? Somehow it seems we’re caught in this vortex of fearing the unknown. That fear of whether on judgement day our pasts may be used to judge us and we are found lacking. Perhaps, it’s because we perceive saints to be spotless and without sin. Therefore we enter into this soulless routine of a Christian life. There was only one who walked this earth in perfection, Jesus Christ. Today’s psalms illustrate that the things of the earth are inconsequential. Our possessions, our achievements etc are worthless. ‘But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, For He shall receive me.’ Ps 49:15. We were made to love Him, our souls cry out for Him and unless we make an effort to be in Him, as He already exists in us, we may find ourselves seeking fulfilment in the wrong places. Enter into a covenant of sacrifice with Him daily. Redeem yourself from your past and always seek righteousness in your present time. Gift yourself His unconditional Love. Be fearful that He wouldn’t even seek to call you to be judged. A life without God is dead. I would rather be chastised by God unceasingly, I am far from perfect, what I know is that in my imperfection I have a Father who is always ready to hear me because of Jesus Christ. We can faithfully pay our tithe and offer our lives in service to God until our last breath, but it will have been in vain if our hearts have not entered into covenant with Him. ‘He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ John 7:38 God loves you and you need no one else but you to validate it by surrendering yourself to Him, completely. Prayer: Beloved God I praise you, not for what you do for me but for who you are in me. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be an acceptable sacrifice to you, in Jesus’ name.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:14:00 +0000

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