IVF, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Caesarean An entomologist had - TopicsExpress


IVF, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Caesarean An entomologist had observed the process from a larva to a moth for a year. A larva tries and wriggles very hard to get out the shell through the small hole. He made a bigger hole for a larva with sympathy. This larva came out of the shell very easy. The problem is that all other larvae become a moth, but this particular moth couldn’t fly, and is able to crawl only. This lesson is we can’t grow well without patience and pain. Cesarean may be the similar kind of action just like to widen the hole in the shell for larvae. A fetus as well as mother has a difficulty to pass through the birth canal from the mother’s womb to come out it. I don’t know what and how affects the baby. There must be some physical and emotional effects. No one can say there is no difference in my opinion. The effect of anesthesia Anesthesia is used for cesarean section. This anesthesia would affect the fetus as mother and fetus are connected. Anesthesia would cause producing lots of phlegm, so the phlegm may affect the baby. According to new research, beneficial bacteria are less than natural birth. This may be the cause of obesity. Some study shows IQ level is lower. The above issue is not related with passing through the birth canal properly. Patience and endurance may be relatively less than normal delivery in my opinion. Possible scenario This surgery should not be done if there is no risk of life or health of fetus and mother. If the surgery is done for other reason, we have to reconsider this kind of the surgery. As medical doctors may make more money, many people try suing medical doctors if anything becomes wrong. Obstetrician has heavy burden on the baby delivery. During the natural birth anything can be happened. If delayed and becomes wrong, obstetrician may suggest C-section to avoid the lawsuit. Mother and fetus must be healthy in order to prevent this. What couples can do It is desirable for father and mother to prepare the pregnancy in advance. They try to make healthy body from 6 months ago. The female body is the place where the fetus must stay and grow for 10 months. Therefore it is very important to prepare the healthy body. As soon as woman becomes pregnant, the amount of period turns into nutrition for the fetus. The woman who has scanty period would have less nutrition for the fetus. This means the woman who has excessive period may have to worry over supply of nutrition for the fetus. At the moment of cutting the umbilical cord the nutrition for the fetus changes into breast milk. This is the mystery of human body. The woman who has scanty period would have less milk for the new born baby. I believe breast milk is better than baby formula no matter how well made. As mentioned before, scanty period means supplying less nutrition. The fetus may not grow well. When it is a time to get out of mother’s womb, the fetus has no energy to move. The fetus prefers staying there as the fetus is too tired. This requires the surgery. If the fetus receives the nutrients too much and the fetus is too obese, the normal delivery may be difficult. The baby may be too large for the normal birth canal. This also requires the surgery. What else? The amount of period is just one example. Many other factors must also be considered. It is desirable to prepare the healthy body for the pregnancy. Of course it is better for the husband with regular exercise to avoid stress, and refrain heavy drinking. The treatment includes warming the uterus as well as controlling the period amount. This helps to conceive better. The lifting energy must be strengthened to avoid the miscarriage. When the egg and sperm are implanted in the uterus and grow, it is natural to become heavy. The fetus attached in the uterus is the state of hanging in the universe strictly speaking. The unfortunate thing may happen if this lifting power is less. This is more function than just role of progesterone only from western medicine. Save IVF This process will save very expensive IVF which is about 10 times more compared with eastern method. This also helps for better result of In vitro fertilization (IVF). For better woman’s health The natural birth is the best. In case of requiring cesarean section, I suggest you to tell your doctor the following. Surgery is on the horizontal top portion of the pubic bone. Even wearing a bikini after the surgery is not visible for the scar. That is the advantage. But this is not desirable for woman’s health based on the oriental medicine theory. The reason is meridians pass by vertically. Horizontal opening cuts many important meridians. Once cut it is almost impossible to put it back even though stitching the opening part. I really suggest all GYN doctors learn this eastern medicine theory. Opening must be between kidney and stomach meridian or stomach and spleen. This way will not damage the major meridians. Even If a surgeon doesn’t know the meridian theory, only one meridian may be damaged. This may be a big help to woman’s health. Do meridians really exist? Many try to find in many ways whether meridians actually exist. This is a finding of Dr. Kwon in 2011. article.joins/news/article/article.asp?total_id=6377410&cloc=olink|article|default This is discovered with mice and rabbit, but this would be found from human beings in the near future. The found meridians are Du mei, and other meridians also found. It is not a matter that meridians exist or not rather we have to recognize. The whole issue now is how to utilize. One young woman asked me she may not be able to wear bikini. You can wear one piece of bathing suit instead of two pieces. You may show off with a bikini before marriage, but wear one piece after marriage as it is better only to show to the husband. She agrees. Solution for those who fear the pain for delivery I emphasize again it is best to make healthy body to avoid this kind of surgery. I suggest herbal treatment for 2 weeks for those who is afraid of pain of childbirth. 1. The ring on the hand doesn’t come out from a finger. What do you do? The answer is to make it slippery with soap. We can do the same on the fetus with slippery amniotic fluid. Of course not with soap. This also helps the pregnant woman for qi and blood. 2. If the fetus is too large, smaller fetus by taking herbal medicine may give a birth easy and reduce the risk of dystocia. 3. Of course there is a medicine to prevent miscarriage for who has experienced.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 02:08:02 +0000

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