IVORY COAST MANY PROGBAGBO PRSIONNERS DYING AFTER BEEING REPEATEDLY SODOMIZED he died after being sodomized repeatedly during interrogations ... to torture and especially to humiliate her. case of Comissioner negle cesar, the alleged political prisoners near Laurent Gbagbo live an unprecedented ordeal in prison in Côte dIvoire since April 11, 2011, the date of the coming to power of Alassane Dramane Ouattara. Every night, the hostages of the new regime are subjected to sessions of sodomy in their detention facilities scattered across the country, the Republican Forces of Côte dIvoire (FRCI) and Dozo. Today, tongues loosen facing what could be called rape in order perpetrated by the militias of the dictator Ouattara and would in no doubt dot at the base of the deaths of many of its prisoners. The example of Caesar Négblé Commissioner, died Saturday, May 24, 2014 in Morocco, officially suites renal failure, is proof. Close to his family say that the former head of the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DST) has been repeatedly sodomized violently by his executioners in the various interviews he has suffered. Which was completely destroyed. No, the old man did not die of kidney failure ... these are the people who murdered Ouattara ... They sodomized repeatedly during interrogations ... to torture and especially to humiliate ... thats what killed him ... multiple wild rape he suffered caused serious infections which unfortunately could not be treated in time. The old man explained everything before we die ... In fact, those who saw him after his release was barely aware that these legs. It was even hard to sit, says a member of the family, under the condition of anonymity for security reasons. Virtually, every two hours, the Commissioner Négblé was beaten by FRCI who succeeded in his room. We could hear her moaning, revealed to a colleague, a witness Hotel New Pergola, where the Commissioner had been detained at the very beginning of the Ivorian post-electoral crisis. For some members of the family Négblé, its time to shed light on the actual circumstances that caused the death of the senior officer of the National Police. It is true that at first we did not want to talk to preserve the image of the old. But after careful consideration, we believe that, if he went to show us what these people have made to undergo this is not that it remains only in the simple intimacy. That is whether to tell the world that the other political prisoners who might suffer all these atrocities in silence to be saved, confesses the same source. Indeed, if the Commissioner Caesar Négblé is not an isolated case. Most political prisoners in Côte dIvoire, known or anonymous are subject to this other form of torture FRCI and Dozo, a little over three years. They botched me ... Mahan Gahé had dropped to a close shortly
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 03:32:03 +0000

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