IYAOYAS: Today is Saint Barbara Day. Born the daughter of the - TopicsExpress


IYAOYAS: Today is Saint Barbara Day. Born the daughter of the wealthy Dioscorus, she grew to maidenhood so incomparably beautiful that her father shut her up in a high tower for safekeeping. Guarded by her virtue even more than her tower, she grew to be as surpassing in learning and character as she was in loveliness. Her studies and thoughts led her to see the folly of heathenism and she secretly became a Christian. Dioscorus, discovering that his daughter was a Christian, denounced her to the governor of the province, Marcian of Martianus. After cruel tortures she was condemned to be beheaded, and her father himself acted as her executioner. For this deed Dioscorus was struck by lightning and wholly consumed. Ever since this exemplary vengeance, Santa Barbara has been generally considered as the protectress against thunder, lightning and explosives flame of all kinds, becoming thus an easy analogy – when gun powder appeared – the patron saint of Cannoneers and Ordnance men.The Cannoneers of Lille, France, commissioned under the royal letters patent in 1417 as the *Confreres de Sainte Barbe, * were among the first to recognize her as a patroness and guardian. Their example was speedily followed through France, Italy, Germany, and other European countries. A Picture of Santa Barbara hangs on the office of the Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:25:58 +0000

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