IZW Adrenaline June 15 Review by Drew Archer In a show of true - TopicsExpress


IZW Adrenaline June 15 Review by Drew Archer In a show of true character and honor, IZW announced that the month of June will be Moore Recovery Month with 100% of the revenue collected, which includes ticket sales, merchandise, and concession sales, being donated to the American Red Cross to ease the burden and help the people of Moore, Oklahoma who were devastated by the recent tornadoes. The charity work began with this week’s episode of IZW Adrenaline. IZW has been working closely with the Red Cross since the tornadoes hit and the Red Cross wanted to use the worldwide audience of IZW to deliver a message to wrestling fans everywhere. From Daniel Farrell, “The Red Cross has now taken an unprecedented leadership role in the tornado recovery effort. Ordinarily, the Red Cross provides assistance with relief, but now will stay in Moore to aid in the recovery effort. Since May 20th, every $10 donation text made will go to the Oklahoma Tornado Recovery.” Now is the time to make an Impact! To find out what you can do to help the people of Moore, email IZW at moorerecoverymonth@izwrestling. Week 3 of Moore Recovery Month kicked off as IZW Adrenaline on June 15 began with “Big Business” Damon Windsor battling the up and coming newcomer to IZW, Drake Gallows. Initially, Gallows was reluctant to lock up with Windsor, instead preferring to walk outside of the ring as the ref started his count. When Gallows finally returned to the ring, he was greeted with several big elbows in the corner by Windsor that bounced the head of Gallows back and forth in a whiplash motion. Gallows returned fire of his own after a rake to Windsor’s eyes. Gallows, kicked, punched and even choked Windsor with the ropes. Gallows did anything to weaken the big man. But Windsor would not be stopped that easily. Windsor recovered enough to give Gallows a hotshot and then a running elbow. Gallows still showed he was more than willing to scrap as he went after Windsor’s knee and leg, crippling the big man. Once Windsor was on the mat, Gallows connected with a running knee to Windsor’s head. As Gallows set up for another running knee, Windsor met him with a Detonator that bounced Gallows off the canvas like a rag doll. Windsor followed up with a sidewalk slam that but Gallows down for a three-count. Windsor’s night was not finished as he was attacked by his former tag team partner, “The Image of War” Kevin Morgan. Morgan beat Windsor inside and outside of the ring culminating with a Detonator. Morgan and Windsor, once former best friends, are in the midst of a blistering feud. You can bet there will be more mayhem and carnage as this grudge is far from over. “The Worst in the World” Copycat returned to IZW and once again offered up video “proof” that he did not run over Damien Morte in a hit and run the night of Coronation on May 11. After the video, Copycat declared himself the honorary Impact Division Champion as in his mind, he was the last in ring with Morte and therefore, in Copy’s mind should hold that title. Randy Price came out to challenge Copycat and the two got right to it. Copy grabbed an arm of Price and twisted in behind Price’s head as he wrenched, tugged and pulled at the limb, looking to dislocate it. Price reversed the move as he snagged an arm of Copy and brought “The Worst in the World” down to the canvas. Copycat and Price continued their fast paced wrestling, trading shots and holds including a shoulder block by Copycat and a hip toss by Price. An arm drag and body slam by Price had the crowd going nuts. Later, Copycat was in charge with a power slam and Face Mob knee drop. Price thwarted a Doppelganger and then proceeded to hit Copycat in the face 10 times followed by a jumping elbow. Copycat connected with a kick to the face as these two men kept up their break-neck speed in this back and forth tussle. A clothesline, shoulder block, axe handle combination by Price had Copycat bouncing up and down from the canvas like a yo-yo. Price planted Copy with a side suplex but was crotched on the top rope as he looked to deliver a Splash from the Past. Copycat hoisted Price up onto his shoulders and plastered Price with a steamroller. Copycat missed on a Splash from the Past of his own as Price recovered. Price hit his Piledriver 1-2-3 and got the pinfall in a barnburner of a match. Price’s arch enemy “Bad” Brad Michaels came down to the ring with loaded questions for Price as Michaels looked to boost his ongoing lawsuit. Price and Michaels sat across a table and went to war verbally. It was a heated conversation as both Price and Michaels went back and forth until Michaels crossed the line and started talking about Price’s wife and two sons. Price jumped up from the chair and grabbed Michaels around his fragile neck which was still in a neck brace. Price was ready to throttle Michaels, when Michaels’ lawyer, Clarence Bilkim of Dombrowksi, Bilkim and Stein was about ready to come out, but instead, the Old School Assassin Bryan Cruize showed up to help his mentor out and put a whopping on Price until Price turned the tables by crushing Cruize with a steel chair, setting him up on the table and ending Cruize’s night with a Splash from the Past! Price seems to be a cut above everybody he steps into the ring with and this continuing lawsuit by Michaels is only turning Price into more of one-man wrecking crew inside the squared circle. Up next, “The Image of War” Kevin Morgan battled “The Brass Bull” Bobby Starr. Morgan was pulling double duty tonight as earlier in the evening he destroyed Damon Windsor in a sneak attack while Starr has been riding an impressive win streak lately, finishing everyone he’s stepped into the ring with, with his new finisher, the sleeper hold. Morgan and Starr engaged in a striking contest to begin, to which Morgan had the clear advantage with forearms and kicks to the smaller Starr. Morgan then followed up with a double back breaker, body slam, modified power bomb combo. Later, Starr was able to get in some offense including a modified back breaker of his own followed by a cutter. Another slam by Morgan and Starr’s attack was quickly shut down. This bout was a one-man show up to this point. Starr finally found an opening and hit his jumping clothesline in the corner and then jumped up Morgan’s back and sunk in the sleeper hold. But Morgan was too powerful and flipped Starr over on his head and then immediately connected with the Detonator and picked up the pinfall in a match that showed he has no peer in the physical strength department. New IZW Tag Team Champions “What Wrestling Should Be” Jermaine Johnson and “Lights Out” Jordan Jacobs came out to do commentary as Johnson was supposed to have a match with Phoenix of the Birds of Prey, but earlier in the evening, Johnson and Jacobs ambushed Daniel Martin and Joseph Monroe as they were in the backstage area. Johnson and Jacobs alluded to the fact that Martin and Monroe were in fact the Birds of Prey as they stomped mud holes into their unsuspecting and helpless victims. Johnson’s match with Phoenix never transpired so Johnson and Jacobs made sure to get their TV time by sitting in the announcers’ booth. Double D took on The Convict next. Double D would strike The Convict with leg kicks and then dart out of the reach of the King of the Yard. But The Convict had scouted D’s game plan well as this time The Convict was able to get his hands on D very early in the bout. The Convict caught Double D with a knee, when D tried to duck under and then The Convict unloaded the most vicious forearms in IZW as he buckled Double D. The Convict locked in a head vice as you could hear Double D’s skull beginning to crack inward. D attempted to fight off the attacks of The Convict and even landed a head kick that seemed to do little to no damage as it just wasn’t enough as The Convict connected with a power slam/splash combo that planted Double D on the mat with great force. The action moved outside of the ring where Double D hit a hurricanrana on The Convict and shot him head first into the steel ring post. D then tripped The Convict into the steel steps but nothing seemed to slow down Convict as he launched Double D back into the ring. After a body slam, Convict went up to the second rope looking to give Double D a splash, but D got his feet up at the last second and The Convict’s jaw ran square into Double D’s heels. D then sprung to his feet and up to the top rope where he connected with a crossbody but that was not enough to pin The Convict! D landed a modified bulldog where The Convict went face first into D’s knee. D then looked for his 6-1-knee but The Convict snatched Double D in mid-move and annihilated Double D with a 15 to 20 proving that The Convict is one of the most cerebral wrestlers in IZW as nobody has been able to defend against the 6-1-knee let alone turn it into their finisher. Next up, The Bronze Bull took on another rookie to IZW, Angel Camacho. This was a bout where it was strength versus strength and in the early going the advantage went to Camacho who tossed Bull around after a tie up. This only incited Bull who unleashed a series of elbows to Camacho’s face followed by two running clothesline, yet Camacho stayed on his feet. Bull went for number three and was met by a short clothesline by Camacho that dropped Bull upon impact. Camacho pounded away at the fallen Bull with right hands and even a running splash and a body slam as it looked like Bull would be in for a long night until he turned the tide by giving Camacho two big boots as Camacho came at Bull full speed. Bull hit a spear that nearly sawed Camacho in half and went for a Greetings From Mt. Olympus but Camacho was too big to hoist up and instead Camacho connected with a sidewalk slam. Camacho went to the top rope looking to inflict more damage but Bull regrouped and tossed Camacho to the ground where Camacho belly flopped to the canvas. The Bronze Bull made good on his finisher this time as the GFMO toppled Camacho and Bull picked up the hard earned victory. After the match, Johnson and Jacobs came down from commentary and went back and forth with Bull who was still in the ring until finally all hell broke loose and all three were in the ring throwing haymakers at one another. The numbers game finally paid dividends for the Tag Team Champs as Jacobs hit Bull with a low blow and a Johnson dropped Bull with a clothesline. Bobby Starr came down to even up the odds as the two Bulls beat the piss out of Johnson and Jacobs ending with a double Boston Crab that had Johnson and Jacobs tapping in seconds. As Johnson and Jacobs limped back to the announcers’ booth, Starr put out his hand for the second week in a row and this time it was met with open arms as Bull invited Starr in for a hug from “The Gods”. It looks like both Bulls are aligned and have their sights set on the same target, Impact Elite. In the main event, Madame Commissioner Erica accepted the challenge from earlier in the evening to wrestle against returning superstar Angel Blue with Erica’s tiara at stake. Erica hasn’t laced up the boots for eight months, but she exhibited no ring rust as she was as crafty and skilled as always. But Blue took the lead early as after a quick test of strength, Blue flipped Erica on her head and then followed up with a clothesline that put Madame Commissioner down. Erica bounced out of the ring and took a few seconds to walk off Blue’s attacks before she composed herself and jumped back in to the ring. Blue picked up right where she left off with grounding Erica once again and unleashing a barrage of fists to Erica’s face. The quick thinking Commissioner managed to sneak in an eye poke and when Blue was momentarily blinded, Erica connected with a Gory Bomb. But Blue kicked out at two. Erica sunk in a rear naked choke next as she secured a leg vine around Blue’s torso for better leverage and control on the submission attempt. Later, Blue countered an Irish Whip into the corner by returning fire on Erica with a double ax handle to the head. Blue showed off her submission game by twisting Erica’s legs up into an Indian Death Lock. Erica grabbed the ropes and was able to get a break from the action as she fell outside of the ring. Blue followed her out and bounced Erica’s face off the guardrail which likely loosened a tooth or two in the process. But in this back and forth epic battle, Erica took control once again when the action resumed inside the ring as she choked Blue with the ropes waiting until the count of five to break the hold. A rocker dropper came next as Erica started to show why she has been able to maintain her position at the top of the IZW food chain for so long. Three knees to the midsection and a face buster later and Erica was in peak performance. But Blue would not stay down as seconds later she rocked Erica with a springboard back elbow and put a hurting on Erica’s kidneys with a double stomp, senton bomb combo. Blue hit a hurricanrana next as Erica was gasping for oxygen. Blue went for a scissor kick but hit the referee, Mark Wilson, instead. With Erica still hurt, Blue hit a modified Pedigree, as she trapped one of Erica’s arms behind her back before she executed the move. Erica was out cold. From the announcers’ booth, Johnson and Jacobs hauled ass down to the ring to give Blue a combo sit down power bomb-cutter that destroyed Blue. As the ref came to, Erica was on top of Blue and got the pinfall in what was another despicable and all too familiar act by Impact Elite. These two ladies lit into each other and showed why they are the cream of the crop in women’s Independent wrestling as they tore the house down before Johnson and Jacobs interfered. With IZW Champion, Johnny Z scheduled to be back next week, what will the “Natural Born Leader” have in store for the Impact Arena. Stay tuned. Are you tired with today’s lackluster wrestling? If you are, no problem, get your shot of adrenaline with IZW Adrenaline every Saturday night at 8pm ET on GFL.tv. No other wrestling organization on the Independent landscape carves out as much new content as IZW. If you’re looking for a rough and tumble style of professional wrestling look no further than IZW. Developed and cultivated in the Sooner State, IZW is second to none. Be there for every bump, bruise and jaw-dropping moment all of which have made IZW recognized around the world. Website: izwrestling Twitter: https://twitter/IZWWORLD YouTube Channel: youtube/IZWOklahoma Facebook: https://facebook/ImpactZoneWrestling CLICK HERE TO ORDER - gfl.tv/Events/Fight/Wrestling/IZW_Adrenaline_June_15_2013/2017
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 05:25:19 +0000

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