Iain Day Six - Hmmmmm - still in hospital, still have tube down - TopicsExpress


Iain Day Six - Hmmmmm - still in hospital, still have tube down the nose, still draining crappola, still only ice chips. Cardiogist and general surgeon have been arguing what is wrong with Iains guts/bowels, many scans done. Surgeon has decided that a band has formed, not quite sure what that is, will find out from nurse or doctor later. Surgeon wanted to go in today and fix, cardiogist anitheset said no because his INR numbers are too low. INR is the level of the Coumadin/Warfarin in his system - determined via a blood test, much like a glucose test. Anti-coagulant meds to keep blood clots from forming around the mechanical valve. Sometimes referred to as rat poison. Hopefully tomorrow. Tonights gourmet dinner = ice chips. Me, I am dying for a steak. He is grumpy, hungry and oh, did I mention short, irritable and grumpy. I told him earlier to put a nicotin patch on NOW. Me - I go between totally exhausted and freaking out. Not much of a happy medium the last few days. I have washed everything even remotely dirty in the house, folding laundry is such mindless therapy. I even begged Andrew for his dirty laundry, no flies on that man, you want something to do Moogie, okay, heres my laundry! Trying to knit a baby hat for Margarets new baby, have started 3 times, keep casting on so tight I cant knit. Ive dusted the house, cleaned all the bathrooms, swept the front porch twice, and the front hall as well. Not sure what the cleaning ladies will do on Thursday at the rate Im going. This is turning into an epic journey! Frankly, I am ready for boring again.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:23:33 +0000

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